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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I actually ended up having the worst food day I have had in ages, probably since I started. I was in the office working. I was tired, and in addition left the house at 6.30 am getting home at after 7pm

There were cakes, chocolates, biscuits all over the place and I had loads, eating pretty constantly all day. I even went out for a macdonalds for lunch. I came home and had wine and half of my husbands chow mien, then proceeded to keep eating sweets and crackers for the rest of the evening

Thank god that day is over!!!!

I really struggle when. I am out of my routine - I did take food I to he office with me, I usually work from home. But as soon as that first cadburys mini roll went down, there was no stopping me, I had the cheek to have my yoghurt and baby bel later on too after the macdonalds etc.

I am so black and white, right or wrong, good or bad and when I move from the good polar, there is no middle ground I head straight to the other polar of bad

No exercise for me today. I am working 8am till 6 full on. I am feeling really sluggish so will just concentrate on getting the food right today and hit the dog walking and the gym tomorrow

Seeing that 11st 8lbs on. The scale the other day now seems like a fantasy lol. Not weighing in until Sunday morning now. I will get back to that 11st 8. It. Might just be next week now though

Thank god that I have had a good couple of weeks behind mr or this could have just set me off ....... I don't want anymore days like yesterday

Going to start that plank challenge in the gym tomorrow. Not sure if I can do it to the end but will give it a go. The end goal is to plank for five minutes....that's a toughie!!!

But is anyone wants to join me, the info is at


Have. Good day out there people xxxxxx

Wish me luck, I feel I need it

I am going to phone for a fill....there is no way I should be able to wolf down half a chow mein and all that food without feeling uncomfortable or throwing up....and not feeling any restriction. I can eat anything, I any quantity and I do wolf my food it goes down half chewed. Unless I am wary of it...like steak etc, but the soft stuff like the noodles just slide right on down lol
Hi Kirsty Just caught up with your diary, well done on the weight loss and the haircut. Good photos, and glad you enjoyed your time with Sharon and Dave. Your picture with your dog made me laugh, he looks shatterd. Take care xx

Elaine it's great to hear from you. I hope you had a wonderful time. I will catch up with your diary when I finish work this evening
Gosh ... I wish I could eat a chow mein... I haven't had one for a long long time. It's good you recognise that you need the fill babe. Good luck with it. When can they get you in?

Planking sounds great ... I used to love my little sessions before starting this bl00dy job. Now I hardly get time ... Haven't done any Excercise.

Well done sweets you look amazing and your doing fab ( watch out for the chow mein ) xxx
It's all in the recognition though Kirsty - and you've recognised that yesterday was a bad day and you need a fill.xx

My weak point was always in the evening. It still is as that's when I have my digestive biccys. I too was naughty yesterday and had 3 biccys instead of my usual 2. I don't know whether it was the extra biccy, but I had a bad bout of diarhhoea last night about an hour after eating. I also had 2 glasses of wine last night as well, when I usually have 1. I'm still learning though, so am not gonna do that again - it wasn't pleasant.

I can remember reading before my op, that it's the brain that needs re-training. I can't emphasise enough to anyone how true this is. I had no need for the extra biscuit or wine.

We're all learning Kirsty - but I think if we're saying it out loud, it's the first step. You overate yesterday and I overindulged! We're all in this together. xx
At least you are honest about it, you don't hide it and you're not in denial!
I hope you get the right restriction soon!!
Hugs Kirsty.... yesterday is past now move forward....and i must say at least your sounding positive about it !! in times before it has beaten you and sent you spiralling... but today you sound so full of determination..... Go you :)
maybe its the weather... i too over indulged this week...... nothing seemed to satisfy me......like Bear i didn't need it.... i wasn't hungry.... i just ate because i wanted too eeekkkk.... its a dangerous place to be. Good luck on getting a fill hunni hope it finds you better restriction although those noodles will still slip down :(

hugs x x x x x
Sometimes we just need to but the key Is acknowledging it and dealing with it. I bet in the past you had days like that while on a diet and because you had a bad day you beat yourself up, eat even more and gave the diet up because you'd ruined the diet so no point continuing. But now your in a better place, know you've had a bad day fell of the horse but your dusted your self down and today will be riding high in the saddle looking for the sunrise. Well done :)
Sometimes we just need to but the key Is acknowledging it and dealing with it. I bet in the past you had days like that while on a diet and because you had a bad day you beat yourself up, eat even more and gave the diet up because you'd ruined the diet so no point continuing. But now your in a better place, know you've had a bad day fell of the horse but your dusted your self down and today will be riding high in the saddle looking for the sunrise. Well done :)

I thought so mouse. But that husband of mine came in at lunch time with fritters and chips!!!! Last night it was a chow mein!!!!

I had a wee bit of fritter and a few chips and left it at that. I had 2 yoghurts for breakfast and I have a lovely salad for tea. Run out of my lifeline though the Atkins mint chock advantage bars. Tesco selling them for £1.60 just now instead of 2.20 so going up after work to buy a dozen. I'm f I had one on me yesterday my binge day wouldn't have happened. I only had a horrible chocolate crisp one