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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Crystal. How much of your fish supper do you eat when you hve one? I could Defo eat a whole one. Not right surely?

Hub get's a large cod and chips i cut off around a third and remove most of the batter... of course i have some (cos its the best bit) LOl and a handful of chips it fits on to my small plate and i can almost manage it over the 20 mins .....of course i could eat much more.... i expect i could manage a full portion if i ate quicker and longer.... but i do try and stick to those old rules :rolleyes:
i think this portion size stuff differs person to person day to day..... even if we all filled a side plate i guess everyone's would be different.... i try to do the 20 20 20 which i use to regulate my portion.... of course i can eat more and quickly too but try to work with the band rather than letting it control me with being uncomfortable or sick..... i pull up some info on-line somewhere(on of the hospitals) re portion sizes and the actually gave a weight for a 'portion' which i thought was interesting because there doesn't seem to be a standard set out.... of course yes it depends on restriction..... but it would be so nice to have a rough clue.......... i'm like you .... it worry's me , i don't want to do damage..... when i mentioned at hospital, that i worried if i was over eating............... she replied not if your loosing like you are ???!!! who knows lol am pretty sure tho we would know if we were....

hugs sweets x x x x
Got new light weight boots today. They have softer 'vibram' soles which will give me good grip on the loose rumble surfaces when I am hiking in Arizona. Need to get them walked in for My trip in March

Was saying to Lindsay, I would NEVER spend serious money for dress boots but will do it no problem for hiking boots lol

I'm in love with them ;-)


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Just catching up on yr post K, sorry you had a shitty day but real respect for getting past it! That's what gets us there: determination and persistence. :0) also loving the boots. Very cool. But now tell me about all this planking with Dave?!? Lol ;0) and yes I will join you in the challenge. Where are you up to? Have to admit I really struggled to do 15 secs when I tried it. I did do the squatting thing. But I did 50 which was the apps idea of a starting point. Well that was a bit dumb - next two days I had buns from hell! So I'm restricting myself to running and planking.

And I have to thank you for your thoughts on eating!!!! For most of this week I've tried to watch out for the carbs. It has been the only think in the past that has really worked and surprise surprise it is working again :0) down just over a kilo this week :0)))
Oh brilliant Maggie. My Wednesday has taken me from 11.8 to 11.12 and half. Impossible I know as no way did I scoff all those calories. So seriously low carving right now. 20 a day including my veg

Breakfast two boiled eggs in a cup with lures I yum yum.

Off to do a couple of local low grade hills this morning. Will be out for a few hours

Not started the challenge yet. Done it one day lol
You DEFINITELY have not put on those pounds. It's water. That's the one problem with low carbing, as soon as you even sniff high carbs your body sucks in a load of water to cope. Bet you've lost the lot within a week.

Shall we do day two together then? Planking ahoy!

Enjoy your walk!! I still can't do hills :0( That will be my next challenge.
PS. Just found the tribesports app and have added the plank challenge under the more button. I'm crap at remembering things so an app will do it for me. They start at 20 secs so I figure I'll start there. :0)
Just had the best morning!!! It is glorious up here. Crisp and sunny. Done a wee gentle seven miles and two low hills (too much snow in the higher ground)...great company, brilliant walk. Can now be a couch potato for the rest of the day

Nothing better than the great out doors. Roll on the better weather

Away to do day two of my plank challenge with Maggie :-(


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I did 13,000 steps today.............. Bought 2 new handbags, new joggers, got the kids a few bits etc. - amazing how many steps you do walking around the town.