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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Hi Kirsty
Pleased you are ok, yes I have come back down to earth now with a bang.

With your band been bigger, does this mean more fills then normal for you.
Poor Karina, she will be so sorry to hear Mr Galloways retired.

You sleep well xxx
Karina I will deliver a planking selfie for you - doing great contortions and risking serious injury lol

Clicked up 14 kilometres today in the peering rain :-( those blinking scales better show a whopping drop tomorrow. That's me done miles of walking Saturday and Sunday

My dietitian sent me my meal plan today. I txt her and asked if I could share it or pass it on. She actually phoned me to explain the following:

I have a larger band than most other people. The delectable Mr Galloway developed and created one of the first bands and she suspects he continued to use his own band TILL HE RETIRED!!!!!!!! In December....what a body blow to hear that today :-( :-( :-( lol! Sharon. That is why he was not on the provider list!!!!!

She feels this is why I may have a larger capacity. She is concerned that some of you teeny banders might try my plan and make yourself I'll

She has said she is ok with my re typing some of the meals etc but not forward the whole plan and give what I do to you with the health warning that this is designed for me with my likes and dislikes and takes into account my celiac and larger capacity For example she suggests 50g of porridge for breakfast usual size of sachet is 27g

She has provided a link to a bariatric recipe site. I will post this tomorrow too

Been mega busy today. Not got to read your Diarys. Hope you see all doing ok xxx

interesting eh.... tis a shame no more mr galloway ;) and as always goes to show we are all so different in our wl journeys x x x hugs hunni get some rest now x x x
Karina I will deliver a planking selfie for you - doing great contortions and risking serious injury lol Clicked up 14 kilometres today in the peering rain :-( those blinking scales better show a whopping drop tomorrow. That's me done miles of walking Saturday and Sunday My dietitian sent me my meal plan today. I txt her and asked if I could share it or pass it on. She actually phoned me to explain the following: I have a larger band than most other people. The delectable Mr Galloway developed and created one of the first bands and she suspects he continued to use his own band TILL HE RETIRED!!!!!!!! In December....what a body blow to hear that today :-( :-( :-( lol! Sharon. That is why he was not on the provider list!!!!! She feels this is why I may have a larger capacity. She is concerned that some of you teeny banders might try my plan and make yourself I'll She has said she is ok with my re typing some of the meals etc but not forward the whole plan and give what I do to you with the health warning that this is designed for me with my likes and dislikes and takes into account my celiac and larger capacity For example she suggests 50g of porridge for breakfast usual size of sachet is 27g She has provided a link to a bariatric recipe site. I will post this tomorrow too Been mega busy today. Not got to read your Diarys. Hope you see all doing ok xxx

Omg! That makes sense now!!

Oh that's interesting what she said about the band...it's the 14ml u have isnt it!? Goes to show ur working hard but another fill should get u where u need to be xx

Kirsty id be keen to have www look over ur diet plan xx
First of all, Mr Galloway retired? How can this be Kirsty? And what will you do now knowing you won't see him again? :-((((((

Secondly, about the band - at least you now know about your eating capacity. Makes your achievements so much more don't you think!!!

Moo842 - I'm in the middle of nowhere - that just about describes rural Devon I reckon! Lol I'm the opposite end of the County to you.
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Ah it's all making sense now.....Kirsty knew Mr Galloway had gone hence she moved on to Dave! Cunning like a fox!!!! Mr Galloway was actually a smoke screen....

On a serious not Kirsty I'm really sorry I know how much mr Galloway meant to you....

A big band hey...well at least that explains why you have been able to eat more..

Good luck for tomorrow's weigh in x
PMSL at you guys!!!!!

weigh in today.....drumroll please....11st 7 and a half pounds

im actually begining to believe i could go to Arizona on the 10 March in the 10s even if only 10.13 or I could blooming sabotage myself again and loss nothing next month....i just never know. these days i am not setting any wl goals to fail at and just taking it a day at a time i understand now i will probably always battle the binge demon, some weeks better than others

so thats 1.5lb loss this week. i just had to take a detour in gaining 4 and lossing 5.5lb lol

going to have some tea and try to get some extracts from my meal plan on here for you
That's fantastic Kirsty your doing so well,by the time you reach your 'sweet spot' you'll be at your target xxx
PMSL at you guys!!!!! weigh in today.....drumroll please....11st 7 and a half pounds im actually begining to believe i could go to Arizona on the 10 March in the 10s even if only 10.13 or I could blooming sabotage myself again and loss nothing next month....i just never know. these days i am not setting any wl goals to fail at and just taking it a day at a time i understand now i will probably always battle the binge demon, some weeks better than others so thats 1.5lb loss this week. i just had to take a detour in gaining 4 and lossing 5.5lb lol going to have some tea and try to get some extracts from my meal plan on here for you

Aww kirsty!! Amazing!!!! That's good not setting goals, takes the pressure off!!! :)

So proud of you!!! I know ur sad that Mr galloway has retired...but at least Dave is there lol!!!

Seriously you could get in the 10s for Arizona!!! Come to Aquafit with me if ur after any extra exercise!! Xx
Fabulous Kirsty, well done!