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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I agree su2ie and Kirsty a while ago I said you weighing like you do was not helping you... Please please just weigh once a week minimal, fortnightly even. I feel better going by how I feel and clothes but do weigh in to just check. Life's not about scales x there's so many factors that affect them I don't rely wholly on them as my guide x
I'm sitting in the GP waiting room. My mood has been so low that I need to do something about it. I can really feel myself sinking into a dark place. In the past I have waited until I I am right at the bottom of that place. Not this time. I'm getting help early :)

I'm just going through the motions of my life not actively enjoying it - so here goes xx
I'm sitting in the GP waiting room. My mood has been so low that I need to do something about it. I can really feel myself sinking into a dark place. In the past I have waited until I I am right at the bottom of that place. Not this time. I'm getting help early :) I'm just going through the motions of my life not actively enjoying it - so here goes xx
Oh hope you get the help you need Kursty its horrid when we feel like that I know that so well. Take little steps and hope you will soon enjoy life once again. And so well done on your loss FANTASTIC ! Big hugs x
Kurstywursty, glad you've done the right thing sooner seen to sooner fixed. Just take it easy and give yourself time. You've had a busy year and your body is going through a lot of changes which take its toil. :)
Well done Kirsty on your weight loss, that's awesome!!

Also, good on you for recognising things aren't quite right for you....I think it's a much braver person that can recognise the symptoms early, and ask for help. Hope your gp is supportive and helpful. Xxx
Well done on the loss Kirsty. Hope your GP can help. xx
I so hope you get great support from your GP.... I know that feeling to and the important part is to recognise when you need a bit of extra help. I'm hoping it was there for you today hun and things will start to improve for you.... Big Hugs! :) xx
Wooohooo wtg on the loss sweetness, am sure once your mod lifts everything else will fall into place too :) wd too on recognising when you need to hold out your hand for support, so often we live it till the last and when were too far in that pit..... huge hugs sweetness x x x x hope you start to lift soon
Thanks girls. Doc was great. I don't know if any of you remember that the delectable Mr Galloway took care of some endometereosis problems for me and separated some large adhesions from a previous surgery for me. I had been having some belly button region pain. Well it has been back from around Xmas. No surgical remedy for this as seemingly when they separate the adhesions it creates more!!!! So medication is the answer. So got that organised and got me some happy pills. Lol

So Manchester here I come :) :)

I have just had a works leaving do and am going out with my girlfriends tomorrow for a bit of a heavy day lol. So taken a couple of days off

From Sunday I am on a mission

Have set a date for Ben Nevis. 6th April. Bit of a challenge as there will still be a fair bit of snow at the peak. But the challenge is set :)

Once I have completed Ben Nevis. I am going to start preparing for the Cumbernauld 10k in September

Feeling a wee bit more positive.

Thanks for your support girls xxx
Lovely to see a more positive post hunni give it a few days/weeks and your be ready to conquer Nevis in a blink :) x x x have a lovely time out with the girls ...enjoy x x x x x huge hugs x x x x