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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Omg!! Just catching up with your thread, I missed the photo - what a difference!!!!! You have done amazingly well - if you ever doubt yourself just look at the difference, you've come such a long way :)

And yay on the restriction!! Hope it gives you the push you need to keep going and stay positive x
Hi Kirsty
Just catching up, wow well done on the weight loss and so pleased you now have restriction.

Photo on the beach what can I say, you have come such along way in your journey and you are looking fab.

Take care xx
I'm champion Karina. Still got restriction yay!!! Can eat a bit more than I could on Friday. That was scary! It's an odd feeling kinda heavy around the band and stuffed feeling then all of a sudden I'm starving

This morning had an Atkins bar for breakfast
Small portion diet coke chicken for lunch
Just had a yoghurt. Although I was not hungry I felt a physical need to drink something hot and had a yoghurt with my tea
More diet come chicken planned for tea tonight

Hope you and your husband are hanging on in there xx
Surgery was six months ago today

Some photos. I know I have come far but I still have a long way to go I still have a huge dangly belly and those huge boobs.


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I'm a bit down today Mrs Q. I have been on a three day bender

Last week I was on a high as I was sticking with the plan

It all starts with that one glass of wine and ends up with me demolishing any thing edible I can get my hands on

As a good friend on here once told me wine is the devil. I am going to try yet again to go t total

It is amazing how our emotions and happiness is linked to our food consumption and if we feel we have been good or bad. Well that's how it is for me
Oh tell me about it Kirsty I think I've been on a 3 week bender,been eating out a lot and drinking wine,I think when I join the gym on Monday im going to go on a health kick and be really strict and not drink till I go spain in April,
Rather than go T total maybe set a goal it might be easier than giving up totally,wine is to nice to give up lol
Hi Kirsty glad your back!! 3 hard days of selling yourself!! Well done!!! Got you back on line!

Your pictures are great!! You look so different, six months have flown I'm just a few days behind you!!!!!

I hope you are feeling ok in yourself now...don't forget the caravan will be open soon..something to look forward too!!!! X