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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Bleeding hell. No hill walking tomorrow. We have snow and ice on higher ground!!! Getting utterly sick of these Scottish summers lol

Anyway this lets me go to a WLS support group at gartnavel hospital tomorrow instead. Looking forward to that
Attended a weight loss surgery support group this morning. What a positive experience. Was able to talk to very long term successful banders

Came away with an awful lot to think about

One thing I did take away is I have to get out that diet
Mode and start working with my band. There was a consensus that I Defo need another fill. I had made that decision any way and yesterday booked a fill for 14 May

I have decided to eat 4 small meals a day, nothing in between keep it healthy ditch the crisps and crap and ditch the scales for a while. I'm honestly a bit exhausted by this whole journey :-(

I want to try to work with the band..... What my dietitian has been telling me since I first met her lol

I remember I went to over eaters anonymous about 20 years ago and they used to say "abstain and wait - the weight will come off"

so this is where I'm at today. - feeling positive! If this approach does not work I will get back to the grind!
Attended a weight loss surgery support group this morning. What a positive experience. Was able to talk to very long term successful banders Came away with an awful lot to think about One thing I did take away is I have to get out that diet Mode and start working with my band. There was a consensus that I Defo need another fill. I had made that decision any way and yesterday booked a fill for 14 May I have decided to eat 4 small meals a day, nothing in between keep it healthy ditch the crisps and crap and ditch the scales for a while. I'm honestly a bit exhausted by this whole journey :-( I want to try to work with the band..... What my dietitian has been telling me since I first met her lol I remember I went to over eaters anonymous about 20 years ago and they used to say "abstain and wait - the weight will come off" so this is where I'm at today. - feeling positive! If this approach does not work I will get back to the grind!

That sounds like a great experience Kirsty!! That's a good idea on the fill and 4 small meals, it's funny how we retain same info but from different people!!

You will do this, you have already come a long way and your not that far off ur target! :) xxx
That's sounds positive!!
Get a fill, get that sweet spot as they say...or drink some of Sharon's brown water!!
Keep going!!! X
Your band is 40% bigger than most of ours

Therefore you need more fills?

Thats my reckoning lovely :)

Good luck x x x

Can I ask please, why is Kurstys band bigger? I ask because I had problems post op and had to have original band removed and bigger one put in, have been wondering what effect this may have longer term...
Can I ask please, why is Kurstys band bigger? I ask because I had problems post op and had to have original band removed and bigger one put in, have been wondering what effect this may have longer term...

Mr Galloway my surgeon designed the band he put in to me - he was a pioneer and very instrumental in band development. Today a couple of the girls were his patients from way back. Seemingly as I found out today a lot of people have the Swedish band a 10ml band but Mr Galloway's band is 14 ml. I really don't know what difference this will make. But I can eat any food in any amount at any speed and really don't feel I have a band at all. Which I suppose is a good thing. As I managed to loss just off of 4 stone. But hey I am on the way back up having gained 7lb which I cannot shift

Today they told me that I have done amazingly well with no restriction. Though seemingly people with emptier bands can feel more restriction than those with full ones. It depends how the band sits in the stomach, on what nerves etc. there was a lady there who had had a defil and was reeling really restricted.

Today was mind blowing. These ladies were so willing to share their experiences and had been banded for years and years and lost stunning amounts of weight. A total inspiration
Thank you, explains quite a bit. I had a standard band but had weird shaped stomach apparently and a post op bleed which affected the band, so it was taken out and larger one put in. Hospital omitted to give me second lot of paperwork so will pick it up next review with bariatric nurse. So I have bigger band with a bit of fluid, not aware of that much restriction, no fills as yet but today hit 3 stone lost point at 9 weeks post op. . Not complaining, but I like to have a vision in my head as to what's going on....
Thanks, hoping I can do the same, use the restriction later on/for maintaining. So pleased I took the plunge, and this forum has been invaluable
Awwwww kursty was that the meeting at Rosshall?? I couldn't make it yesterday :(
Just had a lovely meet with Alfie and her sister Kerry. We had a real high end experience. Ate at the famous Rogano oyster bar which has been established since the 1930s. So that's a tick off the bucket list. Always wanted to dine there but didn't know anyone who loved seafood enough - this restaurant was the number one table cover in Glasgow for decades. It did not disappoint the scallops were to die for xx. Thanks Alfie. You are a really gorgeous special lady who filled me with ideas and inspiration tonight xxxx


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Ahhhhhh gotya rosshalls thought it was coincidental ... You are looking just fabby in the photo kursty. So much younger looking!