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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Kirsty, You look slim, honestly you do :) I hope ww suits you, I agree about the free food in sw, but I do like the whole atkins style of the new plan @ sw I sort of do a low carbish, 1000 cals sort of thing, which allows whatever I fancy really x Slow & steady Daisy, a pound at a time, lol But we are all different. Try not to compare yourself with anyone else, we are all serial dieters, food addicts, whatever people admit to on here, I personally have MASSIVE issues with food, and I accept that I always will :( Come on now my band twinnie, get your ass moving, you love walking, find your mojo again :p I wish you lived closer so I could drag you to the gym & swim, we could be eggs on legs together :) Learn to love your band hunny, we are in this for the long term, you paid a lot of money to be happy, so work a bit harder :) Chin up, you've got me off the lurkers bench to post this x x x

And it's much appreciated Daisy xx
Stick at it Kirsty. You have sent me so much good advice when I was down and the scales didn't move. x
Hi Kirsty

Glad to see you are feeling a bit more positive, and the weight going down again.

Forget about WW SW, have a look at a site called Slimlines Thorne Doncaster.

Lynn worked for WW for 18 years, untill see set up her own slimming club.
Lynn put every diet together, and made about 9 different diets, she has people come to her from all over the country plus she goes to there house's.

In Doncaster she only did Thursday's, so I couldn't go to her class, but my friends do.
They are on the Time to Slim, one friend as gone down from 22 stone to 10 Stone.
Some people on the site I know, they are from the next village to me.
Have a look and see what you think.
Lynn also does a raffle twice a year, then gives it to the people who have lost the most weight, she as 1 2 3 prizes.

Hope Lindsay's feeling a bit better, take care xxxx
Hey Kirsty you look mega skinny girl.... Do not keep punishing yourself, me and thee are both on that second phase, no more pis&*+ng about, no more bloody binges, it's just not worth it. I've updated my thread so not to steal your spot light but be assured honey I shoulder to shoulder with you gorgeous chav burglar xxx
Hi Kirsty,
I like your photo and can see your skinny legs.
You are doing great and are an inspiration to me too. You are fit, slim and healthy and look great- especially when you smile.
All you girls thanks xxxxxx

I feel good tonight

And yes I am fit and healthy and strong physically

So a lot to be positive about !
Omg look at these pins ....you look bloody great!! Stop doing yourself down woman your gorgeous!!
All you girls thanks xxxxxx I feel good tonight And yes I am fit and healthy and strong physically So a lot to be positive about !

That's if hun!! Focus on the positives :)

I've not been on here for a few and just catching up, you seem to have been giving yourself a jolly hard time so I'm glad to see you're feeling more upbeat.

You can do this, you have done so well and come so far there's really no need to be so hard on yourself x
Sharon thanks. I'm good. At the van. But it's freezing lol x

Done really great Monday to Thursday but was wine o'clock last night. Ended up binging on food. So much for my having wine without the guilt and binging theory :-(

But I'm still positive. Will get weighed in on Minday evening. Hope your doing well and getting all organised for Vegas. I can't make the 3rd as down here for a weeks holiday bi will txt you to see if we can arrange something else xxx
Sharon thanks. I'm good. At the van. But it's freezing lol x Done really great Monday to Thursday but was wine o'clock last night. Ended up binging on food. So much for my having wine without the guilt and binging theory :-( But I'm still positive. Will get weighed in on Minday evening. Hope your doing well and getting all organised for Vegas. I can't make the 3rd as down here for a weeks holiday bi will txt you to see if we can arrange something else xxx

Aw well hopefully it warms up for you!! Be positive if you been good all week the scales will be good, only 1 night!! Xx

Ah no worries about the 3rd, let me know when ur free! Xx
Thanks Karina. We have friends down on site with their tourer just had a fab walk through the woods and ended up on the beach the dogs are all crashed out but we're dressed in winter gear. It's freezing. But the sun is out :)

Can you believe what we are wearing in the middle of April?


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