New Member
22 pounds gone since op day whoop whoop ")
22 pounds gone since op day whoop whoop ")
22 pounds gone since op day whoop whoop ")
22 pounds gone since op day whoop whoop ")
That's fantastic, you must be so pleasedI am rather disappointed with my weight loss, I know I'm only 6 days post op but I have only lost 2lb since the op
That's fantastic, you must be so pleasedI am rather disappointed with my weight loss, I know I'm only 6 days post op but I have only lost 2lb since the op
Oh larabelle "( this sounds horrible, fingers crossed they sort you out quick. I have mine out shortly dreading it xKnew it was all too good to be true. Due to have staples out today. When I got to my appointment one of the dressing had filled with blood. Staples all taken out and still bleeding so have an appointment back at the clinic at 1. Now have it in my head that I have internal bleeding and that's why I can't poo.
Positive side though finally had a bm. Small little things make me smile.
Rang the hospital today re me not able to weight bare on left leg post surprising knee op. have arranged to see me on the 6th feb to discuss if I'm fit enough and to combine all pre op appts together for stomach surgery. That gives me ten days to get stronger n learn to jump through their hoops for the operation. Or have it delayed to make sure I'm looked after properly. Feeling happy that this is the case n they haven't just dismissed it without being assessedso the milk pre op diet starts this week. Whoop whoop. Please god let this op go ahead 13th feb ...... previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Hi 2nd timer, I really hope when they see you on the 6th February they are able to do your op for you!!! Just don't go jumping through their hoops and fall and break your other leg!!!! Hehehe. Take care, fingers crossed xxxx
That would be must my luck eh? I have a bone spur on right foot too so its damned uncomfortable as it is. I look like a mental fat flamingo hopping along :/ lol previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Staples out by did they pinch the nurse was a bit rough... Heads up to go swimming in 48 hours whoop can't wait ")