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Kat's Bander weigh in and diary thread

Happy 9 months :)

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Thank you :D dont you think its hard to believe that its already that long ago?lol
It really is :)

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Good luck today hun xxx
Are you ok Kat ???

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Yes I'm ok - been on holiday to Cornish pasty and cream tea land LOL

So I didn't have scales to weigh in with, but also took a week off. Weighed yesterday and have put on just over 2lb, but am ok with that. I had a relaxed week, had a pasty filling (dont do much pastry!) and avoided cream teas, but did have a couple of drinks and also relaxed about what I ate. But, I made some good choices, bought salad packs for the beach, bought prepacked veg to cook in the chalet, so while my son and his friend had pasta and stuff I had that. Also, when they had chips I didn't, altho did treat myself to a jacket potato LOL

So, its now been 4 weeks I've been gym and swimless but that starts again from today :)

So looking forward to getting back on track, expensive food shop yesterday, but stocked up on salads and meat and prawns - but considering booking a fill as my hunger is through the roof and after I had too much restriction and then it went, although I had 0.5ml of a fill, its made no difference so its finding a balance where I don't have too much restriction but also don't constantly feel hungry.

Mind you, I have a 10k charity hike coming up on saturday night in aid of the Sue Ryder hospice that looked after my Mum before she passed away. Doing it with my son but he has real bad leg problems with severs osteochondritis, osgoods schlatters and plantaar fasciitis, so its going to be a difficult one for him but he wants to do it :(

I am hoping that when I weigh in thursday I will have lost what I put on while away . . .but its pushing it in 3 days LOL
So glad to hear your ok and had a lovley break :) good luck on the 10k that's an amazing thing to do xxx

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Really glad to hear that you had a nice holiday, just shows that being prepared is key too as your weight gain was minimal for a holiday. Wishing you the best of luck on your ride too, fantastic charity x
You are right, being prepared is a lot about it. We went on the saturday but didn't do the shop until the monday, so it was a case of just grabbing what we can and its at those times that you can then be limited by choice and it can be easy to turn to foods that wouldn't normally be our choice.

However, I've made a decision with my band and moving forward that I don't have any "banned" foods, my provider doesn't ban any either, and I am finding as time moves forward that I don't feel as if I HAVE to have something because I know that I can.

It will be interesting when we go to Turkey in the summer as that is when food choices will probably be a bit more difficult, but the benefit of it usually being 50'c+ means I never really feel hungry . . . :)
Where are you off to in Turkey? the place we have been to a few times in Oluz Deniz which is all inclusive is fantastic with the food selection, I am like you in that I find i eat less in the heat so whilst we were there I was really enjoying their salads with the difference selections of meats.

i am trying to work around the "no food is banned" principle too as I find once I say I can't have something I want it more or just make a bad choice because I cannot have what I really want. I spoke to the dietician about this and she was very honest and said that in her opinion no food should be out of bounds, it should just be eaten with caution onthe first attempt and perhaps build up to some of the harder ones to eat e.g. don't try a steak on my first week of solids
Love olu Deniz it's beautiful

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Love olu Deniz it's beautiful

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it most certainly is - we love it. And it is the only place in th world along with Disney in Florida that we have returned to. Also found other places in turkey just don't match up.

So, I'm behind with weigh in, I took last week off because of holiday and in the 10 days of freedom put on almost 3lb. Got back on track on Monday, back to the gym altho only twice so far due to some issues with neighbour disputes!

However I have lost 3 1/4lb, so while I am not registering a loss this week, I've lost what I gained on holiday and 1/4lb which I don't log anyway...am hoping to lose sight of the 15's by the end of June, but am pleased.

Also attending for a fill on Tuesday after someone cancelled (was due for 25th) as the last fill has made no difference and while there is very slight restriction there, I am hoping that it may take the edge off the hunger. I don't want much put in as I have 9.5mls in my 14ml band, but maybe half a ml max, still on target for my hols tho, but need to make sure I hit the gym.

Also got our 10k charity hike this Saturday raising money for the Sue Ryder hospice who took care of my mum when she passed away. It's a starlight one so we don't start walking til 10pm, and will go fairly slow as my son is Also walking despite various health issues of his own he wants to walk in memory of his Nan, so yeah, it's been a week! But it's nice that i can have time off on hols, still be aware of the choices i make but knowing I can get back on track and don't wait til "Monday" to start again....
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Good luck with the charity race on the weekend I hope you do really well :) and well done on being back on an even keel after your holiday it's always hard getting back into it :)

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It can be, but I also want to have the balance of being able to know I can take time out, but get back on track, especially long term, but get away from the old thoughts of starting on monday, and monday never arriving . . . lol
So very true x

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How did the bike ride go?! X
Back to thursday weigh in as I've been all over the place with holidays etc.

I've lost just under 3 1/2 lb this week, but logging the 3lb loss, so as I haven't made it to the gym again so far due to my son being ill, Im pleased with that!

I saw my provider on tuesday and it left me feeling rather annoyed. There was a "trainee" bariatric nurse in with the main man, and I felt "attacked" in what I talked about. If I hadn't lost anything, if I was struggling I can understand it, but I had lost 123lbs and it was as if it wasn't good enough!

I felt defeated when I came out of there, criticised for logging food diary online and not by hand, suggested that because I cannot eat breakfast that my band is too tight and I should in fact have some taken out - but he wasn't hearing that in late afternoon and onwards I can eat a horse. I've never been able to eat or face breakfast so its not just down to the band!

He said to the nurse "She has lost um . . ." and I said "122lbs in 9 months" and I shook my hands in the air in celebration, I got looked at out of the corner of his eye, she smiled and said "thats fantastic" He said "actually its 123"

The previous times I've seen him I've had no problems at all, and it was like there was some "act" in place for the benefit of the lady training - even the two people who came out before I did commented that they had been "lectured" so I am pretty sure that was what it was.

But, its not an easy journey, and these things if we allowed them to, could really knock our confidence. So, I left there feeling a bit p****d off to be honest!

Still, the 10k walk at the weekend was fab, despite my sons leg problems we averaged a 4mph walk and finished in 1 hour and 40 mins, but it was everything that it meant to us that was the reason we were there. And in that way, we are pleased that we did it and raised £150 so far :)

So, hopefully back on track after the holiday, realising that had I not had the 10 days off, I'd be down in the 14's, but I've only got 1lb to go to reach it and I wanted to get there before the end of June so I hope to, and the target I set myself back at the end of jan, to lose 50lbs before we go on holiday on August 15th is well on track, I've only got another 7lbs to go :woohoo:

So, pleased with how its going. But I still need to make some more conscious decisions on what and how I am eating. And need to seriously get back and find time to hit the gym, even if it means evening visits!
Well done on your loss that's great :D your dr sounds like a bit of an arse to do that to you 123lb is nothing to be sniffed at idiot well at least we're all proud of you and don't ever forget that :)

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He sounds like an arse - ignore and move on! You have done fantastically well and you are a total inspiration to me x

Well done on the WL, it's really good to see that a bander is continuing to have what I call a "normal" life as in going on holiday and relaxing the routine/control then getting back to things when home. You have a wonderful healthy approach which is great to read about

Keep it up, you are going to reach that target GO KAT!
Well done on your 3lb!!!

I can't believe you were made to feel like what youve achieved wasn't good enough.... Jeez, if I lose what you lose, I will be swinging from their chandeliers..... Naked!
