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Me and my battle with the bulge (Gastric Band)

Woo hoo Tam. Still loving your diary and your attitude. The 'fill' story especially and the water issue is really interesting isn't it. Well done for the weight loss anyway...keep going.
well done tam, i have been following your journey as our surgeries were around the same time. You have done so well.

I too need to up my liquid intake and your amazing loss is a good reminder to us all.

well done tam, i have been following your journey as our surgeries were around the same time. You have done so well.

I too need to up my liquid intake and your amazing loss is a good reminder to us all.


Thanks Stef, considering we were operated on at the same time (more or less) there is a big difference in weight loss so far between us.
You are doing fantastically well! weel done you too.
Can't really take too much credit, it's the starvation diet I have been following!!!! I am having a second stretch on Thursday , the consultant gave me too much restriction.
Can't really take too much credit, it's the starvation diet I have been following!!!! I am having a second stretch on Thursday , the consultant gave me too much restriction.

Oh dear me, that sounds awful...hope all goes well for you.
Starvation would drive me insane, at least ive not deprived myself at all over the past 2 months.
(this may contain too much info for some)

I had my 1st real PB episode! its not nice but not as bad as i thought it would be.

I was at my mums house and was starving hungry so i opened a pack of fridge raiders (small chicken bites) and began munching on them. The first 2 went down okay but i could feel them getting obstructed a little. Anyway, i took a small bite and didnt chew it enough as i was too busy talking and i instantly felt it stuck in the middle of my chest. It didnt hurt, i just knew it was stuck, so i stood up and bagan pacing thinking it would dislodge itself.
I then felt a tightness in my chest, not painful just uncomfortable, then i started to generate loads of saliva. I went to the loo and spat it out but within 1 minute my mouth was full again, so back to the loo again.
I done this for about 5 minutes when i really knew this was my 1st PB session and it was going to come back up.
I tried to wrench but nothing happened - just saliva generating in my throat.
I then tried a sip of tea but as this went down i just felt sicky and my chest was very tight.
I went to the loo and the only way to describe it was like a sick burp. I burped and a small amount of saliva came up which contained my partially digested chicken bite.
That was that, i was fine immediately.
It was not like being sick where you wrench and wrench with watery eyes and all that, it literally was just like a sick burp.

For the rest of the day ive taken it really easy food wise and only now im trying to eat mushed spag bol. As long as i take small bites, chew well and wait inbetween bites, its going down fine (afterall these are the rules!!!)

So, at the moment, im feeling some changes from my fill, but its too early to comment on restriction.
Ill report next on the weekend.
not had my first PB yet either....doesnt sound too bad but wont be trying it either! hehe.

my nurse said it takes 3-6 visits to get to sweet spot.... i dont wana go loads...its not a fun experience!
I HAVE RESTRICTION! (Maybe a bit too much)

Eating is really hard work. Yesterday i woke at 3.30pm and had my cup of tea, at 4.30pm i left the house and on my way into work i ate a packet of crisps (went down slowly but fine)
At 8pm i got a plated salad from the canteen and after 2 tiny bites i could feel it was not going down good, so i slowed down a lot. By 8.30pm i had only managed about 3 tablespoons of salad and could not eat no more, so i put it in the fridge for later.
At 10pm i went back to it, and managed some more but then threw it away. This time it went down better.

At 4am i was hungry and my tummy was shouting at me, so i went to the vending machine and got a packet of crisps. Unfortunately i ate them too fast and had a PB episode again.

Anyway, today i had nothing until 8pm where i tried to eat a plated salad, once again i could not even get through quater of it over several hours so ive given up.

On reflection, i think i may be too tight, but if i eat cake or chocolate it goes down fine and i dont get full?

Will play it by ear over this weekend and if im still PB'ing on monday ill ring my provider for a de-fill.

Its actually quite emabrrasing sitting the canteen for 30 minutes and your plate looks like its not been touched!
Tam, have just read your diary start to current date and am so glad I did. Now understand so much more about what is ahead of me and gotten reassurance that I have done the right thing. You are amazing, your continuous learning and positive attitude are magic, look forward to reading more. x
Tam, have just read your diary start to current date and am so glad I did. Now understand so much more about what is ahead of me and gotten reassurance that I have done the right thing. You are amazing, your continuous learning and positive attitude are magic, look forward to reading more. x

You are welcome hun, the whole idea behing this diary was to keep me on track and to help others. I try to be as descriptive as possible.
Best decision ive ever made. Good luck on your journey too xx
Today ive been fine, no PB'ing at all.

It has been TOTM the past 3 days and im sure ive read in other threads that bands can get tight during this time. Ill wait and see next month!
Today ive eaten well. Jacobs cream crackers with butter went down well, so did veggie pasta bake and 2 welsh cakes from my hubbies bakery. No problems at all so hopefully the past few days were just down to TOTM.

Today in work a girl made the comment that my overalls looked too big for me, so i went to the laundry room and tried on the size smaller - and they fitted!!! Wow, i finally got into a size XL trousers. I also noticed that my wellies actually fit around my calves and i dont have to pull at them to make them fit. Ive forgotten to measure myself this month, so ill wait until sunday morning and do a weigh in and measurements. Clothes starting to hang now which is brilliant.
Im not going to buy anything new until im down to a size 20. Ive got loads of clothes size 20, 22 & 24 in my wardrobe from when ive fluctuated over the years....but trust me on this, when i drop a dress size, anything in my wardrobe of that size is getting burned! Yes im really go to burn them as 'they' say it helps you get rid of the mental side of weight loss and by burning them your subconsious accepts that your not going back. Got to be worth a try.

Ive still not picked up my exercise bike as the girls father-in-law died, so im getting it tomorrow. Nights like tonight where im full of beans after a night shift i need the bike here. I would love to go out for a walk but i would not feel safe.

Thanks to everyone who reads my diary, it really helps knowing i can help others but it also helps me stay on track as i feel obliged to let you all know whats going on with my journey. It a very nice feeling and considering ive been doing it now for 2 months, its the longest ive probably ever stuck to anything like this.

I write this purley based about my journey, its rare i mention my home life. I do this because, when i was researching the band and reading hundreds of diaries, you just want the facts about the band and how the weight loss is going (just my opinion of course)

Night night all
I'm truly horrified and shocked by what I've just read above -I just can't believe what you've just said - OMG YOUR HUSBANDS GOT A BAKERY!!!!! - IM SHOCKED AND HORRIFIED - LoL - how do you cope knowing all that scrumptious bread, buns and cakes are only a stones throw away (excuse the pun) WELL DONE YOU for losing 2stone so far with that temptation so near :)
Wow - that is temptation! Surprised that you can eat pasta? My provider said to wait 3 months for pasta, bread and rice. But then again after a fill it was 1 day liquid then 1 day sloppies. It would be so much easier if they all had the same guidelines.
bakery?! om nom nom!! yummmy...i can smell the fresh bread!
I know, he makes the best bread and pies (main customer is M&S) but to be honest its very rare he fetches anything home unless i ask for it.

Yes well cooked pasta goes down fine for me unyet i still struggle with eggs and banana!
Ive decided not to ring my provider and get a de-fill, ive accepted that this is how i should actually be with the band and learn from it.

Im learning every day, even today i ate too much too fast and got some stuck, but when it finally went down i started eating tiny bites (size of my small finger nail) and chewing them to death and the food went down fine. Tonight im going to try salad again.

Ive been really good with my exercise bike (got it saturday second hand off a friend on facebook) and been doing 15 minutes. My butts a bit sore but ive made myself a promise that i will do this every morning after work for 15 minutes. Each fortnight ill jump up an extra 2 minutes until i get to 30 minutes.

When i get down to a size 18 comfortably, ill start swimming again on weekends as i enjoy this with my son. Its awful depriving him of swimming as mummy is too fat to be seen in a cozzie!

Lost 0.75lb last week but decided not to update ticker. I thought i would have lost more considering ive not eaten much but it was totm and i was very bloated. Im hoping for a good result this week, but ive got stay off the mints as they are bloating me too.

Weather is planned to be awful again this weekend, so not planning anything special, but i need to do something as 3 weekends not doing or going anywhere is driving me mad. Ive got some spare paint and wallpaper to decorate my dining room, so i may just do that and count it as good exercise being on my feet all day and a good attempt to reduce the old bingo wings!!!
You're still inspiring me Tam! Really interested to hear your progress..you seem very practical and down to earth and don't panic which I guess could be easy to do and the other thing is that you seem to be enjoying it. That is so nice to read.
I love your diary Tam; still got 2 months to wait for my band, but your diary is really giving me a proper idea of what to expect. Keep up the good work; I agree that slow and steady is the best approach, I'm sure we've all hoped for a magical quick overnight fix before, which is why we are all where we are now! x