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My diary - From the beginning

And re the spag Bol - I meant the meat bit really.
I used to make a big pan of it and have it over two days with pasta and garlic bread.
Now my plan is to make the exact same pan of bolognese, but to freeze it into ice cube trays and have it when I want!
Glad you're doing so well Franky.

I've been drinking Actimel every day since my op and it does really help.

I haven't weighed myself either. I'm too scared to - and I have Weightwatchers bathroom scales I could use!

I bet you've done really well, so it'll be a nice surprise when you finally find out how much you've lost.

I'm more interested to find out how much you've lost than I have, exciting times!
Thanks for the kind words.
I'll deffo get the actimel.
Be nice and easy to take while I'm back at work next week.

And re the scales and weighing myself - this is forever now, so whether I lose a stone this month or a pound next month doesn't really matter.
But by this time next year, I want ten stone off.
Well done, it sounds like your healing really well and definitely in the right frame of mind regarding the weighing xx
Another bander here, just a couple of weeks ahead of you, well done & love reading your posts! You always make me smile!

Really felt for you as i suffered awful constipation too, sitting on the loo @ 4am crying....argh! So glad you found relief! I agree it gets better as you move onto mushies, but also recommend movicol if you can get some from your doc

Good luck & hope you continue to heal well, its gonna be a great journey hey :)
Aww what a shame! There will be other holidays, and if you don't think you'd enjoy it, then go another time when you can get your budgie-smugglers on without a care in the world ;).

What a generous dad you have, it's a lovely offer :)

Tell him when you feel ready.
Someone mentioned getting movicol from your doc. I got mine over the pharmacy counter at Tesco. It's a lifesaver!

It sounds as though you really have your mind in the right place.

I have my first fill on Tuesday, I'm getting very excited. There are a few of us who were banded at similar times and it's great to read progress. Keep it up.
What size?
Not once have I heard that tgere was a size option?!
Or that it might be pre filled.
So I can't answer that I'm afraid!

Yes 2 sizes, 10 and 14..
I had a 14 and 5ml was put in it..
I have read through your diary and I wonder now if Im doing it right :/

Like I had my band Thursday and I have a milk for breakfast, mid morning I have tea or coffee, Lunch is homemade soup, blended of course, throughout day I drink water and SF squash then dinner is soup again

I can eat Oxtail soup the very few tiny bits I chew till they are smooth and I have no problem at all...should I not eat the few bits???

Than supper I have a drink of fruit juice but a very small drink as it still has natural sugar but helps with toilet etc

See when you go private you don't really get much guidance on what to eat they just said liquids??
Thank God for this site :)
I blend my soup and then sieve it.
I'm sure the little bits won't be a problem, but I thought for the best Id strain it like they say.
I don't think there's a right or a wrong way to do the liquid phase. My provider said it's just important to have liquid to allow the stomach to repair following the op.

Stick with it, I'm sure we are losing weight. X
So I bought something called DulcoEase.
They had Movical, but only 50 sachets - £25!!!

When I got back I sat on the toilet for nearly 30 minutes. It's really uncomfortable, bordering on painful.
I've taken the tablet, I've had my soup, my vitamins etc.
I think I need to up my liquids.

Sorry if I've been crude at all.
This is just so horrible.
Just as the pains from the op get better, I get this side effect.

Why are you paying for it ..go to Doctor..they prescribe it for you...also Lactulose is very good and cheap
I had an impacted bowl when I did Cambridge diet after 5 weeks I ended up in hospital, you don't want that its really painful
So go to Docs..I was lucky my 2 daughters are nurses I had to have enema's it was so bad,
Im scared to death to get that ever again...Get it sorted Franky :/
Prescriptions are £7.85 though.
My laxative cost less than that!
Plus my time off work to get a doctors appointment costs money!
I had a lot of homemade soup in my freezer, but I found I needed to water it down a bit. I was recommended slim-fast type drinks (for the nutrients) and soup, but anything that would go up a straw was ok according to the dietician!
Thanks for the kind words.
I'll deffo get the actimel.
Be nice and easy to take while I'm back at work next week.

And re the scales and weighing myself - this is forever now, so whether I lose a stone this month or a pound next month doesn't really matter.
But by this time next year, I want ten stone off.

What a great attitude you have ..I wish I could keep off the scales, its the first thing I do each morning..must stop.lol
Prescriptions are £7.85 though.
My laxative cost less than that!
Plus my time off work to get a doctors appointment costs money!

Oh I see..never thought about time of work etc..well looking back at the threads you seem to be sorted now :)
What size?
Not once have I heard that tgere was a size option?!
Or that it might be pre filled.
So I can't answer that I'm afraid!

You don't get an option of size, mr super will have made the decision but it's likely to be the 14ml size band that you have as he rarely with HW uses anything else. HW do not fill bands at time of surgery, only when you go for your first fill at 5 weeks.

You will see places such as THG giving 4-5mls or so at time of fill, but HW do not do that they believe it's important to allow swelling to settle etc post surgery before starting on the fills :)
also if you find you have constipation issues again, where you used dulcoease they also do dulcolax which is slightly gentler :)