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My diary - From the beginning

So I bought something called DulcoEase.
They had Movical, but only 50 sachets - £25!!!

When I got back I sat on the toilet for nearly 30 minutes. It's really uncomfortable, bordering on painful.
I've taken the tablet, I've had my soup, my vitamins etc.
I think I need to up my liquids.

Sorry if I've been crude at all.
This is just so horrible.
Just as the pains from the op get better, I get this side effect.
I went through exactly the same thing, and I was straining so much I thought I would end up re-opening the wounds!
Hope it helps Franky!
Oh dear, sorry to hear about the poo pains, hope the tablets do the trick and you are soon 'on the move'.

Otherwise it all sounds very good, glad to hear that you're healing well :)
OMG I took the wee small tablet, be aware they are not kind. It woke me just after 1am with terrible stomach pains as of 3am I spent hours in and out of the bathroom with the most incredible diarrhoea which continued long after sunrise and into the afternoon. It did the job a little too well, total body clear out. Only I had hoped for a little natural encouragement not an avalanche from within.
I have since filed the little tablet in the bin. Movicol is well worth the money. I hope you don't have to find out the way I did.

I do hope you feel better soon, once into the purée stage things will improve but you still might need help until your eating better around week 5.

All the best x
I really do feel for u as I did suffer really badly with constipation after op and still do now and then. I have tried everything I now take senna every other day to keep me going. If the tablet hasn't had any effect by tomorrow try and get into see ur gp they can prescribed movicol or lactulose or the chemist will have glisterning suppositories. Not nice I know but I was in that much pain I would have done anything lol. Hope tablet works for u :)
I was contemplating the doctors tomorrow.
Certainly a phone call to my provider.

I went to bed at 10pm because of the pain, I thought id try and sleep through it.

Anyhow, 11.25pm, just woke to the most amazing stomach pain.

Not like others have described, no total body clear out, but by god I went.

The pain has lifted 75%.
I'm much happier. I shall take another pill tomorrow and make a conscious effort to drink more water.

Horrible evening. :-(
You had that reaction from Dulcoease? It could be that it was that way because you'd been blocked for so long - it is one of the more gentle ones!

Glad you're feeling better tho!
I think the constipation is something we just don't expect, I know I was in so much agony I would have done anything to just get a little bit out, I ended up on the sick with constipation rather than the op lol! Now when I have a fill and go back to liquids 3 days, then mush 3 days, I take my sachets of fybogel, works for me xxx
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the poo tips!

I'm fine now.
Just the odd stomach twinge if I move too fast or pull in the wrong direction.
Wounds are almost healed, bruising almost gone.
One week today.
It's gone pretty quick and I feel pretty rested.
Although I have hung some pictures, been to ikea, built a cabinet, hoovered, changed cat litter, walked, made beds etc.
A relaxing weekend for me and then back to my daily commute to London and to work from Monday at 5.30 am.
I love being at home because I love my house, but I also can't wait to get back to work.

I'm a week into the liquid post op diet.
I'm finding it very easy to be honest.
I have milk in the morning. Milk for lunch. Squash throughout the day and a tin if soup in the evening (blended and sieved of course).
I can easily stick to that for another week.
Then the mush period starts.
I'm looking forward to some fish.
And some spaghetti bolognese!

I think I'm drinking plenty of fluids since my constipation drama, I never seem to get full and can drink 500 ml of squash within 20 minutes, just sipping at it.
My provider has phoned a couple of times to check on me. They said its normal and during the liquid phase, until I have a fill, there wouldn't be a restriction on liquids.

Bring on the fill, getting weighed and phase 2.

Have a good weekend everyone.
sounds like you're doing great :)

You may find that pasta part of spag Bol may be a little difficult to tolerate to begin with, pasta is one of them funny things lol

Fill and weighed? Have you not weighed yourself at all yet? If not that willbe an exciting thing to look forward to as well :)

Your liquid days are like mine although until this week when I found two fresh new soups in Morrison I could never stomach soups, some actimel is also good (helps keep you moving too ;) ) lol
Thanks for the advice re the actimel.
I may add that to my shopping list.
I haven't been weighed or weighed myself since my initial consultation 5 weeks ago.
I expected to get weighed the day of the op, to see how well id done on the pre op.
They didn't.
I asked for a set of scales to weigh myself before I went to theatre and the nurse brought me a set that went up to 18 stone! No good to me!
I do t own a set of scales and I know that if I did I'd drive myself made by weighing myself every bloody day!