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My Gastric Bypass Journey -Onwards and Upwards-Well this is a start

oh Mandy i am so so sorry..your story sounds so tragic i had to say something

sounds like your father is abusing you blaming you for the abuse you suffered...no way is he right that at 13 you should have being able to stop it....

i would just concentrate on your lovely son and husband as they are your real family...and be proud of what you have achieved

don;t feel guitly about anything
Hi Mandy. I would recommend writing all your emotions in a letter, not email or text. A letter gives you time to say all you want to and when the emotion takes over and the anger drives you to say all the abusive stuff you can stop take a breather then start again. It helps to just get it off your chest, you can send it or put it away in a box which ever works for you but it definitely helps you, thats why diarys are so good. I think far to much and writing it down helps, probably never read it again but that dosnt matter, its out of my head for the time being, not only that if you want to show your H so he can really understand what it has meant to you it is easier than speaking and crying over it. I must take my own advice here as I have something I want to say but cant get the words over my lips.

You are not a victim you are a survivor, you are here and have so much, the abuse is PART of you but that is not all you are, its helped to make you who you are. I am a very firm believer in every dark cloud has a silver lining and my life has proved that beyond any doubt. I don not like the expression what dose not kill us makes us stronger but at the end of the day it is true.

xx a fellow survivor
Hope you are feeling a bit brighter today. Sometimes families are more a curse than a blessing. Well, with the new year you have a fresh start and you can be free of old hurts and celebrate the new thinner you! Best wishes to you dear!


Thanks hun, 2009 is my new start...... in lots of ways
Best wishes to you

Thank You!!:)

oh Mandy i am so so sorry..your story sounds so tragic i had to say something

sounds like your father is abusing you blaming you for the abuse you suffered...no way is he right that at 13 you should have being able to stop it....

i would just concentrate on your lovely son and husband as they are your real family...and be proud of what you have achieved

don;t feel guitly about anything

Thank you, It is very true what you are saying!! I am concentrating on my husband and son, they are my main concern and family... Thank you

Hi Mandy. I would recommend writing all your emotions in a letter, not email or text. A letter gives you time to say all you want to and when the emotion takes over and the anger drives you to say all the abusive stuff you can stop take a breather then start again. It helps to just get it off your chest, you can send it or put it away in a box which ever works for you but it definitely helps you, thats why diarys are so good. I think far to much and writing it down helps, probably never read it again but that dosnt matter, its out of my head for the time being, not only that if you want to show your H so he can really understand what it has meant to you it is easier than speaking and crying over it. I must take my own advice here as I have something I want to say but cant get the words over my lips.

You are not a victim you are a survivor, you are here and have so much, the abuse is PART of you but that is not all you are, its helped to make you who you are. I am a very firm believer in every dark cloud has a silver lining and my life has proved that beyond any doubt. I don not like the expression what dose not kill us makes us stronger but at the end of the day it is true.

xx a fellow survivor

Thank you so much for the time you took to write this! I agree with all you say, but as you know sometimes our minds take over completely and rational thinking goes completely out of the window!!!!! I have often thought about wrting things down but i get frustrated that it never reads right, and end up ripping it up!!! so hard,

Thank you for your support im here for you too........ you can email or message me anytime.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! Sorry its a tad late!!

Well as the Title says Happy New Year to you all... lets hope 2009 is the best year yet!!!!:553:

Well after the episode with the thing that takes the name DAD.... I wasn't looking forward to the weekend, I was off to London on Friday staying over and meeting my brother for the first time in 21 years, so i was rather apprehensive.....

Well we arrived at my sisters had a lovely day she couldn't believe how different i looked she only saw me 3 weeks ago... then my brother arrived around 8pm, with his new wife, it felt very strange but seemed to go well, we didnt seem to talk one to one, it was more as a group about everyday things, we left my sisters at 3 in the morning went to the hotel..... which was lovely!!!!! got up at 9 on Saturday then went back to my sisters....... Originally we were all meant to be going out for dinner at a resturant, but my sisters partner and my brother started drinking again at 11.00 so we ended up sitting around all day, which was ok.......... we left London at 6pm and got home for 7ish was so pleased to be home,

Just spoke to my sister and she wanted to see how I was feeling, have to say I don't feel anything......it was a nice weekend... but not really any thoughts on it, my one thing was wish me and geoff had of talked abit more, i felt like he was avoiding conversation with me, she just told me she found it a lovely weekend and was saying my brother went into the kitchen to talk to her and told her I was so lovely, so balanced not what he expected at all!!!!! I was dreading him saying I looked like my mother, but NO he says I remind him of our Auntie June, which was lovely!!!!!!!

He also said I was looking fantatastic, which was nice!!!!!!!

SO back to work today and feel good about 2009 and my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Hun, so glad your visit went better than expected. you are a wonderful, strong woman who has overcome lots of difficult episodes in your life. your positivity about the new year is to be admired and when the downs come i have no doubt that you will tackle them head on with the support fo your hubbie and son. take care hun x
Hi Mandy, I found your diary earlier on whilst browsing the forums and i have read it from start until now! You really are a most wonderful person,
an inspiration heres to a wonderful 2009 for you your son and your hubby (your family) ...
I look forward to following your journey thro the coming weeks

Hi Mandy, I found your diary earlier on whilst browsing the forums and i have read it from start until now! You really are a most wonderful person,
an inspiration heres to a wonderful 2009 for you your son and your hubby (your family) ...
I look forward to following your journey thro the coming weeks


Thank you so much, I notice you live in the new forest, not far from me then...... We love going there
Hi Mandy :) ... we live about 4 miles from Lymington in a village .. we love it to ! ...
the forest looked beautiful this morning all crisp and white .. really lovely :) ... bit nippy tho! hehe
Afternoon Everyone, well it has been a weird two days........ yesterday was so quiet, but i sat and started my new book so in to at the moment, i don't want to put it down........

My hubby has decided to give up smoking, so he went to his first meet last night, within 1 hour of stopping he had snapped at me 14 times..... not sure how long this will last i may have to kill him!!!!!! had an early night last night........ i so needed it!

Then today I am feeling rather emotional, had a stressful morning in work, then hubby had another moan at me, I am trying to be patient but it is bloody hard...........have managed to read another 3 chapters of my book, got to nip out in a minute, then goign to try and read some more........ it is so quiet here in work........
hi hun, god i know the stopping smoking thing is hell!!! i am so grumpy when i stop and keep giving up on giving up!!!!

hope it gets easier for you both!!!!x
So do I hun........... Id be alright if he vented his frustration somewhere else!!!!

Don't think it helps that I am emotional...... I feel fat, no-one is commenting on how different i look, so i think i must not look any different!!! weird I know

Just a fat day, don't think it helps I am constipated I think, so am goign to take something tonight........
Mandy, you look amazing the weight loss is just fantastic!! i understand what you say about still having 'fat days' think even if we were a size 10 we would still get them. mentally we will always be people who have had weight issues.

just remember babe you are doing amazingly well and the difference between your before and after pics is amazing!!!

as for the contipation god it's hell i posted last night about it!!! makes you feel really bloated doesn't it! hope it eases soon x
Afternoon Everyone,

Well the constipation is still a problem, feel like I could explode........ (sorry to be so graffic).......

But Otherwise I am ok...... I still find it strange at the portion sizes I am eating......

Have to say keepin gbusy is helping me not eat...... the only thing I would say is I can't find a drink that satisfys me anymore!!!!! tried all sorts so if any one has any suggestions I'd be pleased with them.......

I am so engrosed in my book at moment, I can't focus on much else.......

Hope everyone is well
What a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only has everone been telling me I look very pale and pasty, I haven't really been in the mood for food so today just had a nice fruit salad for dinner......... then get a phone call at 3.40 from a friend to say Jordon wasn't at school..... so I panicked and rushed of to his friends who he usually goes to but was cancelled and he was there, the school hadn't passed the mesage onto him!!!!!!!!! tell you what i feel like i have just aged by about twenty years...............

Lets hope my weekend gets better
Monring Everyone.......

Well have to say haven't really done much at all this weekend, On Saturday got up and lazed about, me and Jordon are a bit obsessed with super mario brothers on the DS... so we played that until we had to leave for golf lesson......

Then we called at Asda's for some bits of shopping, I decided to make a homemade curry..... whilst in there i found a pair of trousers size 18, in the sale ended up only paying 5 pounds for them.... they are really nice! Then yesterday I nipped back to Asda as I wanted to get a storge container I saw for all my nail bits, and found a lovely top also a size 18 although have to say looking at it, it did look a bit small but I thought what the hell and I bought that, only cost me 3 pounds what a bargin....... will try and get picture taken today as wearing them...........

Then I came home and cooked a lovely roast dinner.......... I was chatting with a friend last night and saying I find it so weird about the size of my portions........ my Jordon eats bigger portions than me........... LOL

hope everyone is well
Not sure if Ive posted on your thread before Mandy but have been following it for a while. Sounds like you are doing really well, and wanted to congratulate you on the size 18s.

Can I just ask you, are you still finding the weight is dropping now you are almost 8 month post op? and what size portions can you manage now?