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My journey begins - 6 months today post RnY

3 months, 4 weeks and 1 day.

I seem to be coming along leaps and bounds. I have been trying different foods and, touch wood, so far no problems.

We went to an indian restaurant the other day and I had chicken tikka (starter portion) and mild vegetable curry. It was absolutely delicious and caused me no problems at all. Very pleased about this as I love a good curry. And I left some food on my plate, unheard of previously!!!

Last week I tried a tuna mayo sandwich which was two 1sts for me - untoasted bread and tuna. I didn't eat the crusts and it was fine. I ate it slowly and had no problem. Since then I've had an egg mayo roll and again no problem.

I also tried bacon for the first time, again this caused no problem, so much so that today I have had my first post bypass bacon butty for breakfast. One slice of bread with crusts removed, two slices of bacon, all fat cut off (don't like it anyway). It was LOVELY!!! And caused me no problems whatsoever. Funny to think that 4 months ago I would have had 4 bacon butties for breakfast AND eaten the crusts.

My Friday night treat yesterday was a couple of Ginger Nut biscuits. I LOVE ginger nut biscuits and would have had a whole packet pre bypass. Its a funny thing because I really don't feel deprived just having 2. I could never understand how 'normal' people could eat just 2 or 3 biscuits at a time when I would near enough always eat the whole packet.

I'm having a blood test on the 11th March as I have been feeling really tired.

My 6 month check up is booked for the 29th April. I'm already nervous as I will be weighed for the first time since I had my last checkup at 5 weeks.
ur doin great perrisa..how much have u lost? i cant wait until i can have small sandwich's etc...thats what im findin difficult is havin to really plan my meals...its not to bad while im off work but will be a bit more difficult when im back next week..im such an un-organised person..oh well!! i will have to learn x
ur doin great perrisa..how much have u lost? i cant wait until i can have small sandwich's etc...thats what im findin difficult is havin to really plan my meals...its not to bad while im off work but will be a bit more difficult when im back next week..im such an un-organised person..oh well!! i will have to learn x

I don't know how much I've lost as I won't weigh myself. When I returned to work I had and still often do, small tins of Heinz Ravioli or Spagetti, with some grated cheese or a chopped up slice of ham for lunch.
4 months, 1 week and 5 days post op.

Today I had .......... a McDonalds!!! Shock horror!!!!! Or was it........

I ate half the regular fries, 3 chicken nuggets and half a hamburger with half the bread removed.

What surprised me, considered that Maccy D's were part of my staple diet pre op was that it wasn't anywhere near as nice as I thought it would be. I used to love a Maccy D. Don't get me wrong it was Ok and didn't cause me any problems. Its just good to know that if for whatever reason I am out and about and need some food I can eat it.
Reading this back made me realise that people must think that I live on a diet of rubbish.

The MacDonalds I had on Saturday was the first unhealthy food that I had eaten for two weeks.

I just wanted to let people know that it is possible to return to a little 'normal' eating.
Hey Perissa. As Terri said, its lovely to see that you can eat what you want in moderation after bypass. Im sure no one thought that you were living on maccy d's lol
Reading this back made me realise that people must think that I live on a diet of rubbish.

The MacDonalds I had on Saturday was the first unhealthy food that I had eaten for two weeks.

I just wanted to let people know that it is possible to return to a little 'normal' eating.

Hear hear that is so true....well done chick...xx
Well I thought it time to update this thread on my 6 month opiversary.

I saw Mr Byrne and the dietition yesterday and they are both very pleased with my progress. I have lost another 5 stone 4 lb!!!!!

Mr Byrne is going to write to my orthapedic surgeon informing him of my progress and hopefully he will operate on me soon.

Apart from raw foods there isn't anything I can't eat now. I can eat a little more than I could but I still can't eat a children's portion at a restaurant.

I celebrated last night with a Kitkat!!
Hi Perissa! Just celebrated my 6 months too, time has flown hasn't it? Well done on your losses and here is to making the next 6 months count!
