5 weeks post op
Today I had my first piece of toast!!!
Wholemeal with baked beans and grated cheese. It was lovely and I never knew one slice of toast could take 20 mins to eat!! I didn't eat the crusts but ate most of the middle!
I've been transitioning onto sloppy food for about a week. I can eat pasta but haven't tried rice yet.
I haven't been sick at all. A couple of times I have had what I can only describe as an air lock which is quite painful until I burp ..... from either end
I saw the dietition and my consultant Mr Byrne yesterday.
I've lost 13Kg since my op (and 5Kg on the pre op diet). They are very pleased with my progress.
Mr Byrne wants me to start taking Forcival and calcium as soon as I see my GP - which happens to be tomorrow. He wants me to have a blood test just before my 6 month appointment and then another just before my 12 month appointment. He does not agree with B12 injections unless they are required and the only way to find that out is with blood tests. He also said that it is only necessary to monitor B12 levels for the first year and if its OK in the first year then it it highly unlikely that anyone would have a problem thereafter.
He's also told me to stop taking the Lansoprazole tabs, he says it isn't necessary to take ant-acids long term.
Its interesting to read here how all the surgeon's have very different idea's on post op care and well as long term care.
I asked him why I still can't lay of my side with out pain. He examined me (and made comment on my neat scars!) and touched an area just below my left rib cage which hurt a lot! He said that I have some temporary nerve damage, most likely from one of the instruments squishing a nerve against my ribcage, the good news is that it will resolve with time.
I asked him about my little bump under the scar by my belly button. It isn't a hernia but thinks its a small weakness in my abdominal muscle.
He told me to take it easy when I told him what I've been up to down the stables. Its difficult though as there are jobs that have to be done. My OH is being an arse so it falls to me to do them. I didn't dare tell him that I was sweeping the yard two weeks post op and bringing the horses in from 3 weeks post op!
I'm due to go back to work on Monday but not sure if I am ready or not. I find it painful to sit up like at a desk for any length of time because of the discomfort from my side. I also get tired easily. I suppose I run on so little 'petrol' these days I'm running on empty!
I have asked myself several times 'what the hell have I done' but having said that I don't regret having it done. Onwards and upwards