Well done both Dawn and Susie...it's beginning to feel real now
I've been for my pre-op today - I hadn't realised it would take hours and hours. I arrived at the hospital at 2.15 and left at 6.45 !!!
They poked, prodded, measured height , legs and waist, took squillions of blood, did various swabs, I saw nurse, dietician . physio and phlebotomist - I had an ECG ,they listened to my chest and I did step ups and finally I came home...but I feel so cheated as the one thing they didn't do was to weigh me !!
mrsg74- I'm due at the Alex for 11.30 so hopefully we'll meet up there. According to the nurse Prof A has 4 names on the list on Friday afternoon and he's at the Spire Hospital in the morning so we can bump into each other then
Dawn and Susie - quick question - did you use paper briefs or take your own ? I forgot to ask today
su2ie...................1st Nov (bypass) Wooo well done
Dawn08...............3rd Nov(bypass) Yiuppee
mrsg74.................7th Nov (bypass)
Imac....................7th Nov(sleeve )
jib5686................10th Nov(band)
maggy.................. 12th Nov (sleeve)
purplepippa9 .............12th Nov (sleeve)
mizKirsty...................13th Nov(band)
Willow4 ......................19th Nov(sleeve)
tranquil butterfly......... 26th Nov (sleeve)
Gweni.......................26th Nov(band)
Sharona(me)..............27th Nov( bypass)
ICAWM.......................27th Nov(bypass)