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I'm still here lurking but if I'm not sure what I'm feeling. I got summoned to gp as I'd requested liquid meds but had to see a different gp for an on-the-day appointment. Oh he was horrible. I explained that I'd sent in my hospital letters and prescription request and he said they were wrong; I don't need liquids as he had another patient who's had the op and they were always on tablets. Anyway, he agreed to do some (reluctantly) but chemist had to order them in. So I'm without at the moment. I had my bypass 2.5 weeks ago and I'm disappointed that I'm 'only' 13lbs down. How?! Out of 18 days, I've had extreme diarrhoea for 14 of those days. That alone would lose more than that in others. I started on slop a day late (thurs) and had 1/4 of a microwave lasagne mashed up (only couple of tbsps). Oh that was so nice. I've spread that out over last few days. Today I had 1 weetabix with hot milk for breakfast, half glass of yoghurt drink for lunch and trusty lasagne for dinner. What worries me most though is that I'm not sure I'm feeling full. I'm only eating what is suggested as I'm not feeling hunger (only head hunger) but I'm not feeling amazing or that I'm losing much. Just now I made a large glass of NAS squash (photo of glass) and within minutes, I'd finished it. How does that fit in an egg sized pouch? Have I broken myself already? Have I gone through all this for nothing?! I'm reading others who are struggling to drink or move from liquids. In a weird way, I envy them. I'm sorry to sound off, whinge and sound ungrateful but I'm proper fed up and sad :-(
So sorry you're feeling so bad. If it's any consolation I felt miserable and stressed for the first few weeks but now (6weeks post op) I feel great!
Such a shame your gp wasn't supportive, they really can be horrid sometimes - I have a rare connective tissue disorder that most gps have never heard of and some of them are so horrible about it!! Unfortunately most of my meds aren't available as liquids so I've had to take them as whole tablets from day 1! If it's pain meds and you're without at the mo could you take calpol? There is a sugar free one and it might be better than nothing.
Now ICAWM - listen to me - 13lb weight loss in 2.5 weeks is perfectly normal and respectable after surgery!! I know when you're taking in so little it feels like it should be more but you are recovering from major surgery and it's not good too lose it too fast. I had lost 13lb in 2 weeks and when I spoke to the bariatric nurse she told me that was great but I should be aware that the weight loss will soon slow down!! The weight will come off but it's not going to happen overnight, or even in a few weeks (or months). I was about 2 or 3 weeks out when I read somewhere to expect a weekly weight loss of around 2lb a week after surgery. Man did I freak out! I thought well what was the point of putting myself through all this, that's the kind of weight loss you'd expect from a slimming club! But, at that point I was a bit of an emotional wreck and now I realise it's not just about the weight loss, it's also about my relationship with food. Now I'm back on solid food and introducing normal things I've realised I can eat small amounts of most things and feel satisfied - I never thought I'd be happy with such small portions but I no longer feel controlled by food and as a result I'm a much happier person. My weight loss now is roughly 3lb a week and of course I want the weight off quickly and be a nice slim size 12 or even 10 but that's ok because I know I'll get there, it just takes time and I already feel much better than I did pre-op.
I too had quite severe diarrhoea and still do sometimes, I can also drink a glass of squash pretty quickly, I've also never felt hungry and eat by the clock because I have to - you haven't broken yourself, we just all heal at different rates and all have different struggles.
Sorry if this has turned into a lecture but I guess the short version is - you're doing fine and it does get better
I hope you feel better soon x