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You could get another person in there
Your still in my prayers hun stay strong ! Take each day as it comes ok! XHello everyone. I hope you are all well. I have not been posting as we moved on 16 December and it took a while to sort out my broadband connection with a new provider. It is still not working properly but the engineer is coming out again on Tuesday to hopefully sort it. It is really strange living somewhere else having lived in my old home for over 29 years. We are surrounded by boxes - have no furniture as there was no time to sort that before we moved - but we have new bed which is divine. Both Mr TB and I are really struggling. I have hardly been taking in anything in the last week. I am totally dehydrated - I need to start doing something about that before I really hit trouble. I have managed to negotiate working from home until Christmas day and then I am on holiday until the first week in January. I am so tired I really cannot think straight. I have employed a solicitor to try and advise me about the work situation but I am not impressed with what I have been advised to do. I need to take some time to think about it but really do not have time on my side. Because of my dad passing we decided as a family that we were not going to celebrate Christmas this year. I am never good at sending cards at the best of times and it has been good not to have the added pressure of trying to deal with Christmas on top of everything else. One of my sister's has agreed to cook dinner on the day and we will gather for the meal and I suspect talk about past Christmas' with dad - he always loved Christmas. Sorry to be so down at what is a joyous time. I hope next year will be different. There are lots of issues with the property - the contractors have made some major cock ups and it is going to take months to sort. However we are here now and need to make the best of it. Having moved from a flat where I could go months without seeing neighbours, we are now in a tiny cul de sac with very close neighbours who seem to be very nice. We have had Christmas cards welcoming us. The property had been empty for a long time and I think they are happy to have the place occupied again. I feel very negative about the place because of all the problems but I am sure that will pass. I suppose the timing of the move has meant I have not been in the last week at least taking any notice of my weight and anything else to do with the op apart from realising I have dehydrated myself to a dangerous point. I also had a terrible reaction to the blood thinning injections. My whole stomach is purple and full of lumps where I injected. I have taken the course given to me when I was discharged but now realise I am 5 days short of what I should have. I am not going to do anything about that as I do not think my body can cope with them any more anyway and I am moving around so hopefully the DVT risk is minimum. I just want to get Thursday over with and then I am going to start grieving the loss of my dad because I have not been able to do that - and now is the time - I have put it off too long. I wish you all a good Christmas and New Year. Thank you for all your support and well wishes to date. I will post when I feel a bit more with it but will be lurking
Sorry for the long post. TBx
Wow look at you!!! Could get another bod in there ! well done on your loss! XI had to share this with you all - sooo excited by this picturejust hope i've uploaded it right...
Is anyone else struggling apart from me? I've had a bit of a rough ride. I basically was rushed into hospital last night by my parents as I was throwing up blood :-( I had everything checked and bloods done and was told I could go home and just take it easy which is what I've done. For my Xmas dinner as I've been on solids for a while I've had 1 small slice of chicken, 2 small carrots, 1.5 roast potatoes and a small bit of stuffing with some gravy and I've not felt right since and have just spent a long time suffering dumping again. I didn't overeat, in fact I felt like I could of eaten more but given I wasn't well last night and I didn't want to risk dumping I didn't but I've still ended up being ill anyway :-( Sorry for whinging just what felt like a good xmas has turned into a bit of a disaster for me. Hope the rest of you are all enjoying yourselves x
Aww vic ypu ok hun! Poor you . That doesn't sound good. I wander what made you dump??? Something in the stuffing? Did you have cranberry sauce?? Have plenty of fluids and rest. You have done so well as well just take the rest if the day easy sorry to hear this! XIs anyone else struggling apart from me? I've had a bit of a rough ride. I basically was rushed into hospital last night by my parents as I was throwing up blood :-( I had everything checked and bloods done and was told I could go home and just take it easy which is what I've done. For my Xmas dinner as I've been on solids for a while I've had 1 small slice of chicken, 2 small carrots, 1.5 roast potatoes and a small bit of stuffing with some gravy and I've not felt right since and have just spent a long time suffering dumping again. I didn't overeat, in fact I felt like I could of eaten more but given I wasn't well last night and I didn't want to risk dumping I didn't but I've still ended up being ill anyway :-( Sorry for whinging just what felt like a good xmas has turned into a bit of a disaster for me. Hope the rest of you are all enjoying yourselves x