Well, that's Ryanair conquered. Perhaps I could leave my belt extender at home next time... Bravery!
I planned to do so much today. But I had alpen for breakfast which made me dump so I went to bed for two hours. I dump so rarely but when I do, the only thing that helps is a small nap

I guess I'm quite lucky as I only really get a bit of nausea and tiredness. Also probably a good thing alpen is now on my No list as I do love it! I'm trying to find a correlation so I know to avoid certain foods. The most recent dumping episodes have been the alpen, a peanut and chocolate protein bar, and low fat cheese. And yet last week I ate no added sugar biscuits, hotel chocolat chocolates that the car people sent me, and a crumpet with skinny butter and reduced sugar jam. And popcorn. Perhaps there's no rhyme or reason. I must add I've eaten good food too, promise!! I discovered sandwich chicken with branston smeared on it and rolled up. All the goodness of an amazing sandwich without the bread!
Because of my nap I couldn't cook and freeze my turkey stuff before I left for the airport, so I had to throw all the ingredients away as I'm not back til Friday. What a shame.
I did manage to get all my bags of clothes and stuff outside ready to get picked up though! Running up and down stairs loads of times and didn't die of exhaustion. I expect to lose half a stone this week now

good job my foot's almost better. I still limp a bit but it's ok.
The hotel has been awful so far. I've been staying here for years and it's always an underwhelming experience. Air con isn't working so they brought me a fan which isn't quite loud enough to cover up the next room's tv noise. I despise hotels. Ordered a medium steak, it came well done so I complained. The fruit salad I ordered had raspberry sorbet on it so I couldn't eat it (not their fault). Ugh. Get me home!! I also hate that I've flown instead of driven, as I'm stuck here for a week and can't escape to go shopping! Mind you duty free was a godsend as I forgot to pack work shoes. I hope I don't get blisters now! There's a Eurospar down the road I'll go to after work tomorrow and pick up some food so I won't have to rely on room service. There's also a huge supermarket over the road but I've always been told it's dodgy at night so I've managed to avoid it. But if my shoes rub... I will take my life in my hands to get some more!!
In more positive news, hopefully I get to tell my team that I'm moving jobs this week. My boss got the go ahead for me to join him in his new role, and I can work from my home town, coming over here every few weeks so I don't go insane working from home. It won't be forever but it's a salary, a new challenge (which I desperately need) and I'll be at home! I just feel dishonest now for not telling the people who report to me. It won't happen overnight but I want to give them as much warning as possible. Thinking I was leaving entirely, I have been giving them more and more responsibility over the past year, so they wouldn't be scared when I left, and for the past couple of weeks I've had no work to do as my boss has been focused elsewhere and not giving me random stuff to do. So I'm really pleased the team will be in a good place and hopefully they will feel confident when I do move jobs. I just hope they see it that way!
I'm so excited to be moving home, I can't tell you. And having a new job in this company with the same boss is something I couldn't even imagine! Already I feel so fired up, wanting to prove I can do it. To him and to me. The hours will be longer and there'll be more travelling but that's ok. I'll be at home and can do the evening classes I had planned and perhaps I could even start dating again. I would rather work locally, but that will come in time, this isn't a permanent job as such and my boss said if I find something down the road, no hard feelings.
2016 is MY YEAR