Not much to report loss-wise this week, but a few new developments life-wise!
- wore a skirt to work and felt it was too long! (Calf length.) I feel my inner hussy is emerging
- wearing THE dress for the murder mystery on Saturday! So excited. My weight loss has mostly been documented by the photos of the murder mysteries I attend lol. And I haven't been to one since the wedding in Dec! It was really awks at the wedding when one of the actors mentioned my weight loss - while in character! She is one of my faves of the troupe but she won't be there on Saturday, which I'm quite relieved about. Although she'll probably be at the one in May. I'm going semi fancy dress to that one. I don't care if no-one else does! I've already got my outfit and it's so cute... IF I can walk in the shoes, that is.
- I told my boss on Tuesday about my decision to leave. He mentioned several interim options, all of which I'm potentially excited about. He's just so lovely and is trying to keep me, though he understands my reasons for going. He's getting back to me next week most likely after he's met with the big bosses. If any of the options work out I'll be able to sell the house, finish the new one and still have a salary coming in! Which is such a relief. And leads me onto the next point...
- in possibly the worst financial decision ever made, I bought a new car last weekend! Pick her up on Saturday. Eep. It's a congratulatory present to myself for weight loss, new life on the horizon, birthday, and any other excuse I can muster lol.
- for my next trip to Dublin, I'm finally brave enough to fly instead of drive. It's Ryanair which I've never flown with before, and although I'll have to pack my belt extender I'm hoping I won't need to use it. Downside: I'll be a pedestrian for a week! But the weeks got messed up and I can't make the drive from my hometown as the weekend I get back I'm making my annual pilgrimage to...
- A club night in London! For a very specific purpose. And this year I'm planning to party the night away instead of being in physical pain by the time the disco comes at the end of the night! Usually my hips just kill me. The first year I almost crawled to the car. My (not overweight) friend was in a similar amount of pain due to his back so perhaps I will still hurt lol. Our annual tradition is this: park in Soho, get a burger at this diner, queue at the club, stand for several hours then stagger back and collapse in the car about 1am. Last year on the day of the party was when I told him about my plans for the op, and in the diner he looked sad as we wouldn't be able to go this year. But I've googled and I can just get a plain burger without the bun, and it's ok calorie wise. So, sorted! Although I also saw the nutrition for the meal I had last year. Horrific!!
- I've bought some size 16 things from eBay, which should come next week. Fingers crossed I can get them on me! The too tight clothes I bought on holiday are becoming breathable.
and the ones which were too small when I packed are now too big
In negative news, I discovered a stash of sugar free biscuits in the cupboard. Doh! Have had to throw them away as I had like 5. Hmm wonder why I've not lost weight this week!! I've also been trying to eat more, as I really don't get my protein in. So I've upped my work intake to two yoghurts instead of one, and yesterday got a tuna salad (no dressing) from the restaurant. Also been stuffing my face with the turkey stuff I made last week for dinner. But while I want to eat more, the scales haven't moved so perhaps minimal is the way to go.