Hi Hopefour,
Yep, my surgeon and his partner are switching hospitals. The hospital they were at is terrible (that's where I had mine done).
They are now changing to the best hospital system in this area with three highly rated facilities: Lee Memorial, Cape Coral, and Gulfcoast.
They changed office locations also. My doctor is Dr. Martin Barrios and I can't say enough good things about him. They have a website, Floridaincisionless.com. I don't know when they will resume their surgery schedule, but will ask him at my next appointment.
They performed the Wi-Fi for me, that's Pose plus repair of a Hiatal Hernia at the same time.
I will say both procedures have worked: I have no more heartburn and have now lost 20 pounds.
I feel the surgery was well worth it, its an easy recuperation and is working for me.
If you read some of previous messages here, you will see that not everyone has as good results as I did.
Some indicated that they did not get that full feeling like they expected.
Pose is a big help in controlling food intake, but you still must diet, I am restricting carbs which eliminates much of my hunger by itself.
Then when I eat, I get full very quickly.
Another factor is the amount of weight you want to lose, Pose is recommended for 30 to 40% weight loss.
If larger amounts need to be banished, take a look at the sleeve.
But looking at your post again, I see that does not apply to you.
Nope, have not heard anyone say they regret having it done.
Keep us informed!

Yep, my surgeon and his partner are switching hospitals. The hospital they were at is terrible (that's where I had mine done).
They are now changing to the best hospital system in this area with three highly rated facilities: Lee Memorial, Cape Coral, and Gulfcoast.
They changed office locations also. My doctor is Dr. Martin Barrios and I can't say enough good things about him. They have a website, Floridaincisionless.com. I don't know when they will resume their surgery schedule, but will ask him at my next appointment.
They performed the Wi-Fi for me, that's Pose plus repair of a Hiatal Hernia at the same time.
I will say both procedures have worked: I have no more heartburn and have now lost 20 pounds.
I feel the surgery was well worth it, its an easy recuperation and is working for me.
If you read some of previous messages here, you will see that not everyone has as good results as I did.
Some indicated that they did not get that full feeling like they expected.
Pose is a big help in controlling food intake, but you still must diet, I am restricting carbs which eliminates much of my hunger by itself.
Then when I eat, I get full very quickly.
Another factor is the amount of weight you want to lose, Pose is recommended for 30 to 40% weight loss.
If larger amounts need to be banished, take a look at the sleeve.
But looking at your post again, I see that does not apply to you.
Nope, have not heard anyone say they regret having it done.
Keep us informed!
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