Thanks everyone

and yes HC i will ignore them and thanks for your support mate. xxx
So anyway people i went for a CURRY Tonight

!!! ...but ooh the smell of garlic in this lounge is awful !!! its not me but the man laying on the couch snoring !! poooohey !!! ha ha...oh i love him !!
But before u all gasp

" oh my god she has reverted back to her old eating habits ...piggy alert !!
i'd like to award myself the slogan ....
" Cheapest date in North London"
It was so nice doing something normal....and i ordered a very runny Tarka daahl ( lentil dish) and a small Chana Masala ( Chickpeas but had it pureed and .....THAT WAS IT !!! and i only ate ......1/4 OF IT !!! was Full to the brim !! and as with a band u shouldn't drink until 1-2 hrs after...our bar bill was ...BUGGER ALL ha ha !! and also because of the lack of food on our table ...i never realised in an Indian there is space on the table to put your arms because usually we have so many dishes ...u'd think we had invited 10 relatives who had let us down

:silly::giggle::wavey:I know once all my swelling has gone down i will eventually start to eat slightly more until i have a few fills but hey its never going to be in the qty i would usually ! Love it !! anyway so Eamonn said he'll take me out alot more now sod cooking at home idea why ??? Do u ?? he he !
So came home tonight and had a few mouthfuls of jelly ....wasn't starving by any means but it was glowing in the fridge and was just checking it was set

...swallowed it and within ten mins i had a pain in my neck and now realise its a bit of a sign for me know when i have had too much. Was worried for a sec that i was going to be sick but again my drama queen exploits need some work because when i said to Eamonn he just shrugged his shoulders and said well let it out and carried on reading the paper .....Er no "Mr Your meant to jump up and arrange resuscitation"....that will hurt !!! Wasn't sick anyway was just a tad full oops !! but i need to listen to my body and i do realise in the indian that when i had had enough i did think it in my brain but my hand somehow wasn't listening and bought the food to lips ...How annoying !! Must learn !!
So all in all today has been a new experience ...going out for dinner but not eating soup like i have been. Oh and i told the waiter ( by the way the indian is 2 mins from us and we know the owner so well when we ring he answers and says " will be 20 mins Mr Eamonn " without us saying a word !) that i have had a very sore throat for a while now and everything i'll be eating from now on will be mushy and soft so it doesn't get scratched and infected . i think he believed me

and In a year when i look like Cindy Crawford i'll just tell them the throat is better and the food could have slightly more substance he he ! was only a treat anyway ...not going to be my staple food like it was before ha ha . Oh by the way the reason for that is i have half an indian family so since being about 3 i was used to eating curry ha ha . My dad is Irish /Catholic and my mother is from London/Jewish but my nan remarried and my stepfather was Anglo we have good partys in our family. The Irish bring the drink, The Indians bring the food and the Jews....well bring nice presents ha ha ..( ooh hope i haven't offended anyone !! I'm a bit of them all so i can say that ! ...its a joke !! )
Off to buy a digital camera in the morning because mine is broken ....bit gutted really because Eamonn gave me tonight a £50 quid voucher for NEXT for me :cupid

don't ask bless him!! he either bought it off someone cus he's a London Black Cab Driver say no more Guvner !! Someone left it in the back seat ...or its because he thinks that by losing nearly 2 stone i now can fit in there clothes ! m m m m ! but have accepted it with thanks because its still £50 quid and who am i to argue .... never say no to money my dad always said ...Thanks Dad !! he he!
But wish they sold blimmin Camera's !!
Mind u i will look in Next and see if anything does fit never really shop in there Eamonn does somtimes and i know in womens some items go up to 22 and i think im a size 20 top now but i have a Big belly. Very long legs !!! probably size 22 at a push now so trousers in there are a serious no no ! but worst case i'll just put it towards the undies and sexy bra i will be adding to my list of things i would like to wear. i think Eamonn would be quite happy with that purchase in the near future me thinks !!
Anyway off to bed its 1.30am...oh and by the way i didn't go to bed last night till 5am !!! i just don't seem to feel at all tired !! anyway better go because i need to open the windows and spray the room with airfreshner ha ha . Speak to u all soon. :nightf:xxx
P.s i just checked the receipt of the Next Voucher card and its his Bank card that paid for will take back anything i said before ha ha ....oi oi Guvnerrrr! xxxx