Hello all !! Finally have the time to write my diary been a busy few days ....I did the Miss England finals , great fun but very tiring. If i'm honest i think i did over do it , was quite painful bending over all day and not sitting down but have been able to rest now and feel much better. I'll put some pics up soon of what i did but i wasn't allowed to take pictures really ....everywhere were signs " The taking of photo's is Prohibited. Rights owned by Hello and The Sun " was a bit gutted because i needed them for my portfolio but as a makeup artist at the show i am allowed to obtain originals from them so once i get them i'll be able to get them printed and added to my book. Was a really fun day tho, i think i might be on Richard and Judy during the week, as i was making up one of the contestants i had a big camera in my face ha ha and when he stopped i said ooh who are u and he said i'm from Richard and Judy and he said if it makes the cut i'll be shown...so keep an eye out !!
Oh and i had a chat with Miss Surrey ( the one in all the papers,who they say is OVERSIZE !! didn't do her makeup but wish i had because the girl she bought privatley with her made her face so white and her body so tanned it didn't look to good !) and said to her how she felt about being portrayed as "Overweight "when she's only a size 14/16 and she laughed it off said in fact it was good publicity etc . She looked alot bigger than the waifs in the show but she looked the healthiest in my opinion and if i looked that slim in a dress i'd have done it naked !! haha . As i said i'll get some pics uploaded soon of my work . I did 6 out of the 21 who wanted it done so was a good day. Hopefully get lots of work from it , gave out loads of cards and also sneakily managed to do the make up of the owner of the company who does Miss India Pageants and is well known in the Indian Beauty industry and also the Director at Helen E cosmetics...i was so nervous doing her because she is so in the know but she loved my work and asked me if i would like to work for her but i have turned it down because its retail and i want to stay in the field i'm in and be freelance and not have a boss ha ha ! But she took my card anyway and told me she could let me use her products soley for my work but again if i'm honest the products are good but i come from the world of using so many different products and my Kit is worth more than a small car and to only be stuck to one produt range is not my bag ha ha ...but all in all gave me a bit of a boost and i'll look forward to doing it again next year !!
Diet is still going well, i had a panicc during the week told Allicat maybe my band doesn't work ha ha because since last week i had not lost a pound and i spoke with my Clinic and they say my body had plateaued majorly because of the extreme lack of food i was eating. I had been doing everything to the letter BUT when i didn't feel hungry i didn't eat however only just having the band just under 2 weeks ...I never feel hungry hence sometimes i didn't eat all day and just have soup in the evenings. This is wrong and now i realise i still have to eat no matter how i feel. So i started having my slimfast again in the morning , a small tub of cottage cheese in the afternoon and Soup again for tea ....and i have lost 2lbs in 2 days ha ha ...so now have lost 29lbs and 11 of that is since my op on the 7th !! great eh ! i also now realise i need to put fuel in my body for it to burn off and not just use my own fat stores which stops weightloss so thanks to Allicat for reassuring me

Anyway yesterday i was also telling Allicat that i was meant to be going to a BBQ and didn't feel like it a) was tired, b) it was a residents BBQ in the complex we live c) i felt i didn;t want to get to close to those here because when i come home i just want to crash out and not worry that someone is going to knock on my door for a chat !! Ugh! ha ha ! HOWEVER how wrong was i , was a lovely time and i'm so glad i went. I didn't eat anything but had Wine and it was lovely, felt a bit pissed ha ha and everyone was so nice, friendly and to be part of the community spirit is a nice thing. In fact people were talking about what i had just said above and it was others fears too ( so i don't feel so snobby now ha ha ) and everyone agreed it was just a nice get together and its nice to know you have people around that u get on with and no one wants to be come the annoying neighbour etc so at 2am when i crawled my stairs with my lovely nextdoor neighbour who is spanish and she is so funny ...i'm so glad i went !!
There all downstairs today finishing off the food that was left over Burgers galore but i might pop down later for a glass of wine and say hello again ! Another good thing is i park my car quite near the doors to the complex which isn't allowed but i made a point of telling a few people what happened to me ( the ones who i know probably think i'm some up her own arse parking where she likes etc) and they all agreed it is not a problem and they understand fully why i don't park where everyone else does and its not a problem. So now i can park my car without the fear of someone telling me i can't because they know how badly i was attacked and they all offered me there numbers if i ever was to need help at home or if there was a problem in the car park !
So anyway all in all things are well, i'm up beat, looking forward to a a few days rest now. My dad's 60th is coming up soon so i'm organising his surprise party so exciting !! so lots to look foward too and will keep u posted on my weightloss and how things are going !! Speak to u all soon xxxxxxxx
p.s Oh heres a link to the Sun pictures and the girls i did make up for if ya fancy a butchers

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Miss Halton Pride,
Miss Middlesex,
Miss London,
Miss Hertfordshire,
Miss Newcastle,
Miss Black Country,