Morning all, and welcome back yummy mummy xx
Cor I'm shattered already, have polished, hoovered, scrubbed both bathrooms, cleaned the downstairs loo, walked the dog and it's only 11.30!! Just got to hoover downstairs and clean the kitchen floor and I'm done
B: 3 oatmeal biscuits with cheese
Handful of cashew nuts
Drinks: 3 coffee, 2 pt nas cordial
Excercise: lots of housework and 40 mins walking
Lunch: was a clean out of the fridge, but boy it was yummy!! 1 tspn prawns, 1 tblspn tuna, 2 tblpsn of grated cheese. lettuce and grapes
1 strawberry
Dinner: Dahl and falafel (the dahl was tasteless, but the falafel v filling)
My housework is all done so I'm a happy bunny

I even hoovered and polished the car!!