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Banders Daily Diet and Exercise Log

Neen the wii fit plus is great. I use it more than anything. The zumba I did once and it nearly killed me but its very good. I like those zumba links you sent me but I am having trouble transferring them onto a dvd. Must try again.

I had scrambled egg (2) this morning with 1 slice of bread.
Quarter cantaloupe melon
Small portion of spag bol (homemade).
Water and pommegranate juice to drink.
Today's intake:

2 cups of black coffee with splenda sweeteners
Water - pitiful amount
Kippers one of those you microwave with a little blob of butter in - really salty - well for me as I avoid salt
Steak, with a garlic, cream and mushroom sauce

Mr TB and I split the steak as neither of us were hungry.

Need to up my water intake with low carbing. My appetite seems to have gone south.

tranquil x
Coffee, cereal

Water, cashew nuts, raisins, tomatoes and a yoghurt

Coffee, snack-small amount of apple and cheese

Apple juice, 1/2 gammon steak with cheese and pineapple, jacket potato, sweetcorn/peas/mushrooms followed by an icecream snowball (the ones with bubble gum in the bottom lol)

1 pt cordial

Tonight- hot choc, and a plate of mixed lettuce leafs (picked from the garden) some cashew nuts and a couple of tomatoes

I feel that this is too much, I'm sat here thinking about having a bowl of cereal, where has my will power gone :(

Can I get your opinions on todays diet? Is it not dry/dense enough?
I keep meaning to try eggs for breakfast but I'm not much of a morning person so can't usually face anything other than cereal. Exercise has also gone done the drain, I usually walk Charlie to school which can take up to an hour, but the weather's been rubbish so I've driven and not compensated by doing home exercise. I just wish I could pull myself out of this downer mindset and get my act together. Ach, I'll get there x

B - 3 Prunes
L - 1 Ladle of Beef/veggie bolognaise
D - 3 Crackers with Low fat Philly (nom nom)


2 Cups of Tea's
2 Cups of Mixed Berry Flavoured water ( hot)
2 Pints of NAS Orange Squash
1/2 Pint of 1% Milk
Don't forget the slimfast/protein thick shakes either Sarah. I have mine after I get back from taking the boys to school about half nine and I am never hungry till lunch time..sometimes can go till nearly 2 pm before I fancy anything.

Choc coconut protein shake

Treat today mushy peas & 2 smoked haddock fishcakes (took carb blocker!)
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BlueDiamond said:

B - 3 Prunes
L - 1 Ladle of Beef/veggie bolognaise
D - 3 Crackers with Low fat Philly (nom nom)


2 Cups of Tea's
2 Cups of Mixed Berry Flavoured water ( hot)
2 Pints of NAS Orange Squash
1/2 Pint of 1% Milk

Hey there! Did I read you've only got 12lbs to goal?? That's brill! Well done, Hun.
It doesn't look Like you eat much - would this be about 450cals?
Do u feel hungry on this?
Just being nosy in case I'm ever in danger of reaching target too! Only another 6 stones to go...yawn.
Not having a good weekend food wise. Had a big boozy night out on fri and have felt like chomping on everything edible ever since.
Nachos, plenty (still hanging round from baby's party. Should just chuck em really)
Cadburys creme egg (at least it's only one this time. So far anyway...)
Bit of toast from baby's lunch
Bit of spaghetti from baby's lunch

Um...can't think of anything else. Maybe it's not so bad as I thought.
No energy to do exercise. Feeling grumpy, greedy and lazy.
Gonna pull my finger out soon though, don't worry. Xx
Today's intake:

2 black coffees with sweeteners
2 egg omelette with 2 babybel light cheese
Bowl of chicken, lambs neck and yellow lamb soup
Water - not enough

Exercise - watched a bit of a free exercise DVD which came with Mr TB's Sunday paper - that was enough:D.
Neen I promise I will do something tomorrow.

tranquil x