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bypass daily menu -

Hope everyone is having a good sunday.. Glad you enjoyed your evening out shelleymarie.. It must have made a nice break...
A pound is good sukay!!! much better one coming off than one going on.. Congrats on the weight loss maya!! You must be so near to goal by now!!
Todays menu:

B 100mls skim milk & 80gms melon
L chicken breast, cheese sauce & green beans
D 4 crackerbreads, 2 x L/F cheese triangles * 80gm Ham
S 90gms Blackberries

Protein 67gms - Cals 560 - Carbs 33gms - Fat 11gms
Drinks - 2 litres NAS - 1 litre water - cup black coffee - 50mls prune juice - cup of bovril (at bedtime)
Hi all had good weekend been to see Les Miserables last night was really good enjoyed it.

Todays food
B 1/2 BAGEL TOASTED high fruit n fibre one with spread
D small portion of homemade shepherds pie with carrots n onions in

tea, coffee n water x
I'm seeing les mis with one of my girlfriends next week I think :)

B- ten grapes, one prune, ff Greek yoghurt
L-sea bream, asparagus, crushed new pots, tomato salad
D- gluten free pasta bake with baby veg, the gammon I did cubed, campbells chicken soup as a sauce, cheese - moreish ate a portion binned rest as so tempted to keep picking at the damn thing!
Snack - ryvita minis, 110kcal Cadbury mini bar

I'm sure you will do it Maya, every confidence in you but don't over do it to get there because it will happen.

Today's menu -
Breakfast - Slice of toast.
Lunch - Boiled egg and mini babybel light.
Dinner - A Weight watcher sausage, a spoon of reduced sugar baked beans and a spoonful mash potato.
Snack - Small piece of cheese - I need to buy some fruit.

40 min walk with the dog and lots of water.

I hate Sunday evenings. I dread work the next day, Mondays are always tough. Just hope my tablets kick in soon as feel bad tonight. It's silly as I'll probably feel fine by lunch tomorrow. Just got to keep going and hope this cloud lifts soon! x
How much more do you have to lose May? Surely that will be you at your goal. Just don't push too hard you want to be fit n healthy not super skinny, you need curves in all the right places not empty flesh, seen it happen too many times. I am not being negative just concerned incase you let it overtake you and your life, remember this op is for us to be fit n healthy yes its nice to look good but doesnt have to be stick thin. Keep it realistic and be you my worst fear is changing into someone i am not. i have 2 close friends who did just that now they are both super skinny, have little quality of life dress like twins, live n breath calories n ww points, can only enjoy themselves when they are getting attention from people. i know its sad have seeen then transform into this. No way will i go that far. There are also some people who cannot stop losing when they get to goal n then end up being underweight. You are doing fabulously and if all is well and in proportion its fine just feel like you are a friend and try to speak as i would if you were sitting here with me xx
I agree with what chrisa says maya!! I also feel like i know you, after all these months of posting on this thread, and also wonder how close to goal weight you must be now, with all your great losses... I am sure if you set your mind to it, with your determination you can lose as much as you want to... You certainly have a lot more focus and willpower than I do, but will echo chrisa's words and say, hope you don't take it too far... If you can nearly fit into a size 10 now you must be sooo slim already!! Shelleymarie, hope you are feeling better this morning, and that the tablets kicked in a little... If you feel the tablets aren't helping you as much as they should, maybe you should let your gp know, so they can adjust the dosage or something?? I have my appointment with my psychiatrist this morning for a medication review, as my lithium levels are still far too low and my moods are all over the place, so I suppose he will try me on sodium valproate (epilim), which I am not looking forward to, but don't really think there is another alternative for bi polar medication other than lithium or epilim so not spoilt for choice....
Food today

B 1 TOASTED TEACAKE with spread
D small portion shepherds pie, with opnions n carrots n cheese on.

TeA coffee, and water x
Oh thanks ladies, I promise I won't be silly I've had issues with food in the past (low weight/over exercise and disordered eating) and won't let myself go back to that but on a BMI calculator I'm still classed as overweight despite being 5 foot 4 and a size 12! Just want my bmi in middle of healthy range so I have some area to move and that's it, if I didn't lose another pound I'd be fine with that as im comfortable and would just work on toning I'm happy wearing n buying what I like now so anything more is a bonus but BMI wise at least a stone to go!
B- ff Greek Muller, 15g raisins, 15g start right
L- one slice ham, three melba spread with lf Philly, cue, three baby gherkins, two baby beet, five olives
Dinner - Basa fillet in tomato n garlic with olives, steamed baby veg
Snack - ryvita minis

Tea water n NAS juice
Iam so pleased to hear that Mayamoo, didn't want to offend you but felt it was right to address it on this thread as its this type of advice n experience that all will want n read to understand what happens further down the line. You seem well focussed and am sure you will soon be in healthy BMIrange. I still have 32.3 think it is but it started at 53 so come down fair way, i am still obese not even overweight yet. xx Keep plodding onwards and well done on your achievment so far xx
I'm not offended I really appreciate it, like u say u can get so focused u lose focus on how far u have come or really where u need to be so I'm grateful to have great friends like u guys looking out for me xxx
So glad you aren't offended also maya!! It is always difficult to guage whether you should give an opinion or say anything when it is such a sensitive subject, but sounds like you have it all under control.. You have done so incredibly well in such a short time, that you are a pretty hard act to follow:: And I know the feeling Chrisa!! My BMI is still in the obese range, its pretty disheartening sometimes, but then I suppose Obese is a lot better than super morbidly obese which is where I started at lol....
Me too Amanda thats what keeps me going xx THink its good that we feel comfortable enough with each other to show our thoughts on subjects like these because it will be something most of us will come across, as we hopefully shrink our weight and body mass. I have read lots of stories where people after 2 years start to put on weight not mountainous but a stone or so where the body settles down then its the real maintenance slog.xx Worries me that xx
Hi ladies sorry been a bit slack on here recently.

Well done everyone on their losses, even the 1lb, at least it's off and in the right direction and means everything your all doing is right.

Mayo, wow our ops were only a day apart, it's great to find someone at the same stage, wish I was doing as well as you though. I can't believe you only have a stone to go, you have done amazingly well you truly are an inspiration.

O.k so 3lb loss this week, I was hoping for more but knew it wouldn't come after last week. But 3lb is still a good loss and it takes me under the 17 st mark and into the 16's.

Yesterday's menu:
B: 3 egg white omelette 30g lf cheddar
L: 1 slice wholemeal bread, lf Philly 6 slices wafer thin ham
D: homemade shepherds pie without the mash
S: muller corner yog.

Today's menu
B: diet protein shake with marvel and raspberries
L: 6 slices wafer thin ham, lf Philly. muller Greek style lemon yog
D: 120g chicken breast 3 homemade wedges
S: muller corner.

Need to eat more veg, but had run out. I need to get shopping!!!!!x
Thanks chrisa, I'm trying so hard at the mo, I desperately want to loose at least another 4 stone, anything after that will be a bonus.x
3lbs is a really good loss for a week tasha... judging by your menus you are definitely in the zone and doing fine... I am letting my carbs creep up and must get that back under control as still a long way to go, and can't afford to slacken off now xx. But since I gym every day and am still running 2ks 2 - 3 times a week I figured I would need extra carbs to have the energy to do that much exercise, but not so sure now...
Well done on the menu's and loses all.

I think if you are doing that much exercise you do need to make sure you are having some carbs Amanda, as long as you are still hitting your protein, you tend to be very low carb wise anyway so a little raise wouldn't hurt. See how it goes weight wise/energy wise. I went to see my doctor and she has trebled my antidepressants. Just hope that helps. Finding it very hard to understand why I feel so incredibly low when I've got so much more to live for this days. Anyway I hope you can get you tablets sorted soon too. You seem to be coping well despite not having the right levels xx

Menu today -

Breakfast - Ham and mini babybel light.
Lunch - Chicken soup. 1 Ryvita.
Dinner - Chicken and veg.
Snack - Another mini babybel light. Grapes.
The problem with depression is it doesn't follow rhyme or reason. My partner is so down right now and I am so frustrated.