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bypass daily menu -

Four pound loss to report this week :D six month surgiversary wednesday and smash my target :) *does a happy dance* xx
Well done maya that's great xxx
Breakfast - pronutro cornmeal porridge- absolutely gorgeous!
Lunch - slow cooked lamb shoulder fillet, New potatoes, stringless green beans
Dinner - same as lunch
Well done girl!!

Weetbix ss milk,

Roast lamb, potatoe, cabbage swead, Yorkshire pud!
Left lamb and Yorkshire

Fruit cubes melon, mango, grapes

Small amount of trifle!!
4 cups of tea 2 cranberry juice watered down.
Hmmmm not sure!!?
Nice to see more veggies in your menu Ana well done chick :)
Thanks hun I kept you in mind all day lol! x

Four pound loss to report this week :D six month surgiversary wednesday and smash my target :) *does a happy dance* xx
Brilliant news well done you! So pleased for you hun x

You are doing so well Anna. Really varied diet
Thanks hun, I'm trying what I can to keep the head hunger at bay lol x

You are doing very well.
Thank you hun x
Breakfast - 1/2 medium banana
Lunch - Left over dinner: 2 cubes of chicken, 1/2 pitta pocket, 2 tbsp cabbage, onion, lettuce salad, tsp extra light mayo, tbsp low fat humus
Dinner - Chicken breast slices, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots in a low fat cheese sauce.

Snacks - 1 crackerbread, cucumber, phylli light and smoked salmon - made me feel a bit nauseous after - maybe too rich?

Drinks : milky coffee small cup, small cub watered down fresh OJ, large glass water, small glass of water.

Eating like this I feel so much better, my leg cramps have gone off, going to the loo i regular and I have more energy - think my weight loss is up too but will confirm tomorrow lol!
You are doing brilliantly Ana, and if u have been having cramps the potassium in bananas will def help you xx
I need to gete more fruit in my diet, im ok with veg though
Jilly, you had op three days after me. How you coping?
well tinned fruit is fine, drinking a lot, but trying different food im rubbish at, had prawns & jacket tonight had maybe 4spoonfuls & felt full & uncomfortable although it doesnt last long. cereal is a no go. just trying to eat every couple of hours as im getting no weight loss. How are you?
Breakfast - Branflakes and raspberries
Lunch - 2 crispbreads. 1 with low fat chedder and 1 with low fat feta
Dinner - Fish cake with mash potato
Snacks - Same as lunch and Half a protein shake.

For those who count calories and protein. How many do you have a day? I know a lot of people don't count but I do as a side effect of counting protein on myfitnesspal and I was just curious as to how many calories you have and how much protein if you do?

I was pleased to discover today that I'm now a size 26, I started off as a size 36 :D
I'm going to start posting with you all on this thread as my eating is rubbish. I'm finding that I can eat something one day and not a week later (scrambled egg was yesterday, throwing up for 15 minutes) so I end up scared and sticking to mushy stuff. No fruit and hardly any veg.

Must try harder (was always on my school reports too!)
I was pleased to discover today that I'm now a size 26, I started off as a size 36 :D
That is just FANTASTIC!! Well done hun so pleased for you! x

You are doing brilliantly Ana, and if u have been having cramps the potassium in bananas will def help you xx

Thanks hun, def feel much better for incorporating the fruit and veg, thanks for the advice!
Whats the pronutro cornmeal porridge? Sounds intriguing and where'd you get it from? x

3lb loss this week! Am happy with this, the last 3 weeks have been 3lb losses which I think is a good healthy weight to lose. I got a little excited yday as my scales weighed me with a 4lb loss but, I stick to my monday morning weigh in to record it, who knows maybe next week haha! x
Breakfast - pronutro cornmeal porridge- absolutely gorgeous!
Lunch - slow cooked lamb shoulder fillet, New potatoes, stringless green beans
Dinner - same as lunch

Where do you get your pronto porridge from. This is South African isn't it. How do you make it up & do you know the protein level for a serving? Thx
It is SA yes there is a huge Tesco near me that stocks a lot of world foods in and its delicious, zero fat and 6g of protein per serving, I fell in love with it spending time there with my SA ex - I do mix it with some plain pronutro cornmeal as the flavours they stock are too strong for me on their own (banana n cinnamon) the plain pronutro is 8.1g protein per serving.

Ana - it makes a smooth porridge that's quite like semolina you just add water and zap for three min - its pre cooked Millie meal as from scratch it takes an age to cook xx
Breakfast muller corner

Lunch covent garden jammin Jamaican soup

Dinner spaghetti and meat balls and cheese

Snacks a strawberry, Melba toast and bree

Tea x1 lemon tea x2 cranberry and blueberry watered down! X 600ml beaker x2

Vitamins and tabs!!
Very tired today!
Breakfast - 3 Crispbreads with phylli light, cucumber and kig prawns ( was very late about 11.45ish)
Lunch - Pork loin seared and then cooked in shallow water - keeps it really moist. The most beautiful salad I have ever made - mixed baby leaves, spring onions, avocado and honeydew melon! Delish! With low fat dressing I made the other day on the salmon and egg salad.
Dinner - Same as lunch.

Snacks - 2 Doriano crackers with LF pate.
Drinks - Small cup nescafe unsweetend cappucino made with water, 1 small cup of water, 1 med fresh oj watered down. Will have cup of tea when I get to work.

Felt very tired and irritable today, feel better this evening though.

Maya - thanks for the heads up think I'm gonna have a hunt in tesco for it :p
Food has been cr*p again. I had pork for tea which has been okay before but now I feel like it's stuck and have had horrific pain for the past hour and a half since I ate it. I seriously think it's going to come up in a minute.

I've phoned my team a few times about this in the past but never had an answer that I've been happy with. I really don't know what to do. Not being able to eat 'normal' food is really affecting my mood and I'm really down about it.

It's been 12 weeks since my operation. :sigh: