Well done you

that was very kind of ur hairdresser! Don't forget to pass yours on too!!! We all know its hard to find something to wear once ur bigger than a size 14!!!!
I'd say ur having great fun trying it on!
The best part of my weight loss journey has to be getting rid of the old clothes! From a size 24 down to a size 16 at the minute!!
I'm going on my holidays in 18 days!!!! Haven't packed my bag yet coz I can't decide if I will be much smaller yet lol

I am starting on the clean 9 weight loss system next Tuesday. It's a detox. I hope to cure my bad bowels after the three antibiotics I was on!!!! As well as loosing a few more pounds! Want to loose 8.2lb by the holiday. I have never been this positive this close to a goal!!!!!! I usually give up! But that's not happening!!!! I'm delighted.
Yous are a great part of my success!!! Femfrankie and RoseMcnose!!!!!! Thank you!!!

hi I got the balloon in feb the 9th 2012. pre balloon I have lost 5st and since having it put in I'm down another 11lb!!! slow but getting there!!! my goal is to loose another 3stone!