Hi ladies glad to see you are both doing so well. Congrats Rose on the losses.. Well Done!
I have lost another couple of pounds so i am now safely in the 22's

. I have not been there for over 10 years now so feeling quite proud of myself hehe. Had another horrible weekend with reflux but think i have found the trigger for the attacks ... decaff tea! My pregnant sis drinks it and prior to both weekends I have visited her, drank tea and within hours suffered what has been the most horrific reflux that has lasted on each occasion for 3 days

. Anyhoo feeling like my old self again today thank goodness.
My only gripe is that have I developed a sudden intolerance of being cold?! Now you are talking to a person that would gad about in freezing conditions without a jacket on and sleep with the window wide open because she was too hot. Not now though. My legs and feet are like ice blocks and I feel chilled to the marrow even when the thermostat reads 25deg when last year it sat at a steady 21c... oh well its a small price to pay hahaha. x