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February 2015 Surgeries

Well I had my first Dump yesterday on a pot of low fat custard (which was lovely). 5-10 mins later felt really queer, cold, hot, shaking, weak and retching +++. It had 13 g sugar in so was probably that. Not something I want to repeat quickly, especially with my lovely open wound!!!

Feeling so much better since been home, had a little stand in the garden in the sunshine this afternoon - feeling glad to be alive.

Thanks for all your good wishes everyone, Cherub, how did you get on with your scan?
Hi Alison,
Glad that you managed to enjoy the sunshine in your garden and I suppose that you even fancied and enjoyed the custard despite having dumping syndrome is a good thing!
Hope your wound starts to heal well.

I'm still sooo exhausted and sleeping a lot. Few more days of anti biotics before they're reviewed but may need a longer course.
Bladder scan didn't show anything but am bemused with district nurses! Had 10 different nurses visit all with different plans and opinions.......the ward sent me home with inco pads and sheets. First nurse came and took a few of the sheets very sneakily leaving me short but said that I should be assured they would make sure I got more pads and wouldn't be left without! Hospital asked for them t o refer me to continence service.......don't think that's happened! Then told they can't just get pads I need to be assessed.....asked to fill I bladder diary for 5 days, I've done 9 and it's still here no one has taken it to evaluate it or looked at it since I started it. Meanwhile my partner has had to order two further bags of pads on line!
Then they were going to fit a flip flow catheter to retrain my bladder, then they're not cos it might mean I end up with a leg bag indefinitely! Then was told need referral to urology then someone else said no, they won't even see you yet.
Meanwhile no one knows the cause of my bladder problems .....could be nerve damage during surgery or when fitting supra pubic drain after second op or from being overfilled via picc line and TPN!
Having to sleep on back all the time half sat up as drains hurt when I lie on either side. Bum is getting numb and sore......they were going to get me a barrier spray and some new dressings for wound sites last week.........still waiting!!
Yet when they come to my home they comment that my bedroom is cramped......full of pads, inco sheets we had to but from supermarket and bags of meds from hospital and they have the audacity to tell my partner to be quiet when trying to provide important clinically relevant information!
Do they know what they're doing? I have no idea! And still no pads supplied!
My friend is manager of incontinence service, she says they have loads of pads in the office and can get some samples dropped in to me and for her team to pick my case up straight away once she finds referral.......except I don't think they've bothered to do it!

Hope you're having better luck than me with them!
Hope you're gettingbetter every day Alison xx
God that's shocking. You need to speak to team leader and demand referral to continence service.

If I have found out anything it is that you need to promote your own corner.

My wound is pretty much the same. Had a lecture off my Gp this morning over phone about NHS having to pick up bill when private goes wrong. Told me she does not agree with what I have done.

Had too many visitors today, not managed vitamins or calcium and after tea felt really nauseous and retched over bowl for half hour.

We are both in a terrible state aren't we xxxx

Sending healing thoughts and hope you improve a little each day xxx
Hi Alison,
Glad that you managed to enjoy the sunshine in your garden and I suppose that you even fancied and enjoyed the custard despite having dumping syndrome is a good thing!
Hope your wound starts to heal well.

I'm still sooo exhausted and sleeping a lot. Few more days of anti biotics before they're reviewed but may need a longer course.
Bladder scan didn't show anything but am bemused with district nurses! Had 10 different nurses visit all with different plans and opinions.......the ward sent me home with inco pads and sheets. First nurse came and took a few of the sheets very sneakily leaving me short but said that I should be assured they would make sure I got more pads and wouldn't be left without! Hospital asked for them t o refer me to continence service.......don't think that's happened! Then told they can't just get pads I need to be assessed.....asked to fill I bladder diary for 5 days, I've done 9 and it's still here no one has taken it to evaluate it or looked at it since I started it. Meanwhile my partner has had to order two further bags of pads on line!
Then they were going to fit a flip flow catheter to retrain my bladder, then they're not cos it might mean I end up with a leg bag indefinitely! Then was told need referral to urology then someone else said no, they won't even see you yet.
Meanwhile no one knows the cause of my bladder problems .....could be nerve damage during surgery or when fitting supra pubic drain after second op or from being overfilled via picc line and TPN!
Having to sleep on back all the time half sat up as drains hurt when I lie on either side. Bum is getting numb and sore......they were going to get me a barrier spray and some new dressings for wound sites last week.........still waiting!!
Yet when they come to my home they comment that my bedroom is cramped......full of pads, inco sheets we had to but from supermarket and bags of meds from hospital and they have the audacity to tell my partner to be quiet when trying to provide important clinically relevant information!
Do they know what they're doing? I have no idea! And still no pads supplied!
My friend is manager of incontinence service, she says they have loads of pads in the office and can get some samples dropped in to me and for her team to pick my case up straight away once she finds referral.......except I don't think they've bothered to do it!

Hope you're having better luck than me with them!
Hope you're gettingbetter every day Alison xx

You need to complain, get some clarification about who does what and when
. Contact patient liaison at hospital (PALS)
I agree, and I'm sorry for those of you who work in the NHS but where do Gps get of with their attitudes they are not there criticise, maybe if the operation had been offered on the NHS then you wouldn't have been forced to go private and you would have received seamless care. It makes me angry, they pick and choose what they think is right and wrong what they will treat and what they won't. Put in a complaint because as I've said before unless you complain they will continue to behave like this. They are not gods just medics. People don't need to be told off especially when your feeling sick, down and worried. :( I know not all workers are like this in fact most are caring lovely people and their hands are tied because of cut backs but none of us need this type of care :(
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As far as I understand it Cherub went with NHS so therefore she should be getting follow up. The problem is with going private is that private sector not geared up to provide on going care when there's a problem, so the BUS does have to pick up where they left off and this is a problem for many people, and in all honesty I can see why. GPS are entitled to their opinions, but whatever they agree/don't agree with bottom line is that at the moment they will be picking up slack for private sector so best get on with it. Try to ignore their negativity and frustration s and focus on getting better. As for if the op had been offered by the BUS, well that's a whole different discussion as there is plenty of concern (bearing in mind that the BUS is breaking) about what should/ should be offered with ..WLS only being one of those those things
As one of those who's going through it, I have to say that no one can predict, be it nhs or private sector patient, when things go wrong. Sometimes it's surgeon error, sometimes it's our own body's response to what's been done. We are all patients needing care and support and so when one is feeling unwell and exhausted, coping with so much, people's opinions about what they agree with and don't and who is entitled to what really is a mute point.
Don't need to hear any of such comments or negativity. Trying to recover from something that is no fault of our own. We are trying to improve our health and fitness and that's why we've done it in the first place.
I can't sleep properly, am traumatised by my experiences after coming so close to dying in intensive care, I really can't cope with much at the moment. So these responses are not helpful!
Oh no! Need to pace yourself hun. I have to take antibiotics an hour before food so I set alarms on my phone for different things. Try and pace yourself hun! Ignore GP-you don't need to hear that crap right now. Just focus on recovering.
Sending hugs and healing xx
I hope you didn't think my responses weren't helpful? If so i really am sorry, as that wasn't my intention. what I was trying to say that you should be in the "system" of nhs so the lack of continuity is something that needs sorting, hence my recommendation to go to PALS. I went private, had a big post op bleed and trying to get some help was a nightmare as I fell down a procedural crack.
And me I was cross about people having to listen to gps moaning we don't go to them to be told how much things cost etc we go because we need help,more assurance and help. I'm on your side . You need all the TLC you can get. My hubby has been to the Gp tonight to ask for some cream he desperately needs for a condition to be told did he know how much it cost and could he not use something else. Really. Not what he went for. Hope you start to feel better soon and you manage to get some decent sleep because that's what help with recovery. If you sleeping sitting up ( I had to do this for years) try one of those travel cushions called a J- pillow they look uncomfortable but there are the best thing out. You tuck it around the neck and it stops your neck falling forward they are great and mind helped me sleep sitting up. You can get them on Amazon or ideal world but cheaper on amazon normally with free postage. :)
Morning all, just out of shower and back in bed all clean waiting for district nurse. Feeling slightly better this morning. Last night was retching in bowl and wondering what I have done! I have lost 2 and a half stone post op in five weeks so that has to be a positive, if not a bit drastic.

Cherub, how are you doing. I so hope you are getting some sleep and have sorted out the rubbish district nurses for your continence assessment.

How are all you other Feb ladies and gents doing xxx
Dear Alison,
Sorry to hear about your problem last night. I am hoping you are better now.

It must be so much better to be at home. Hope you will get better very soon to enjoy it more.
Tules feeling so much better today. How are things going with yourself x
Hi Alison, I am fine.
Started work last week, so back to almost normal.
Healing and recovering well and wish you the same. I am sorry you suffered much petal.
I can't imagine going back to work, managed it upstairs to bed last night without someone pushing from behind!!

Worried about cherub as not heard from her for a couple of days xxx
Hi Alison,
I'm still hanging in here but still so exhausted and sleeping a lot. I have zero energy and appetite, struggling to eat much at all.
Got to continue with strong antibiotics for another three weeks as still have collections of infection but inflammatory markers are coming down gradually so sounds like they are working.
Got to have blood tests done in a couple of weeks to check where they're at. Seeing consultant, nurse and dietician in clinic on 15th and hopefully last drain will come out then.
Bladder scan was ok and gp has seen me-she is pushing things along that district nurses weren't dealing with. Got incontience service coming on Thursday for assessment.

Where are you at hun in terms of your recovery?
Was this your first weight loss surgery?
Hope your wounds are healing and that you continue to feel better!
All the best
Ruth xx
Thoughts going out to those who are having a bad time of it! Hope you will soon be on the correct road to recovery!

I feel very thankful I have had an easy recovery xx