Sorry not replied sooner, but I had my retinal detachment operation yestersay and I was pretty out of it from the general anastetic!!! I am still struggling to read properly so forgive me if this doesn't make too much sense! I use my phone to reply to threads usually, and when I picked it up today I realised I had half written a reply! So I will start with that!
Mmmmmmm Sushi! Its only really since the op that I have actually liked this! there is usually far too much rice though, but for me its great as I get to eat all the fish first!
Right, food wise yesterday was non-existant as I wasnt allowed to eat or drink before my op!
So Friday = NOTHING!
Really peeved at Leeds Spire though! Considering they do the bypass operation you would have thought they would have understood my needs! They tried to give me tablet painkillers when I told them I would prefer not to! Especially the Ibuprofen! THEN they tried to make me eat a sandwich when I woke up! I told them over and over that I don't eat bread... And all they said was: "well what do you do for sandwiches at home?!?"... They just couldn't seam to understand I DON'T EAT BREAD!
I tried to eat it, and after literally 2 nibbles I had my partner patting my back as it must have trapped some wind and I was in pain!
My god this post has become a right rant! Sorry, I'm blaming it on the after affects of all the drugs and anastetic yesterday!
Steph x