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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

These are the sorts of gadgets you buy from the modern homes exhibition. I love them types of things. My cupboards are full of them. But not a spiral thingy unfortunately :-(
Hey low carbers out there. Tesco are doing cauliflour rice and corgette pasta ready prepared at 3 for 2. This stuff is amazing. But just to much faffing about to prepare from scratch. So I for one stocked up

Im glad im not a low carber!!! Green really isn't my colour...
I'm a kitchen gadgeter too! Think I've got the works! Gotta love Lakeland for things!

One of my faves is my pineapple corer/peeler!
Oh girls I had a total meltdown yesterday. Food and wine. Binged like pre band levels. Serious stuff like a family size bag of maltesers and one of liquorice all sorts. Family size pack of crisps as in six pack. On top of a hefty amount of bread and cheese....plus half a rubarb tart...and my meals Woke up this morning praying to some one or something out there for the strength to rein it in So far an atkins bar and a cup of tea

How can someone with a band, even a broken one, eat this amount of food....loads at a time????
Oh girls I had a total meltdown yesterday. Food and wine. Binged like pre band levels. Serious stuff like a family size bag of maltesers and one of liquorice all sorts. Family size pack of crisps as in six pack. On top of a hefty amount of bread and cheese....plus half a rubarb tart...and my meals Woke up this morning praying to some one or something out there for the strength to rein it in So far an atkins bar and a cup of tea How can someone with a band, even a broken one, eat this amount of food....loads at a time????

Oh no love...I think it's a lot to do with stress!!!! I know lately when I've been stressed I have been resizing for naughty things!! A lot of what you ate will go down to smaller amount so easy to go through the band!!

Once you have clear path to what's next I think that will help!!! Xxxx
Oh sugar, this happens.....we all have our moments of being completely hacked off and we do what we ALL do best....eat and drink crap! I'm still lucky as in I dump so can't over eat the sweet stuff, but today's another day, you have soooooo much going on at the moment, don't beat yourself up about it.......today's another day.

Much love.....xxx xxx
Kirsty I was a mega binge eater before, and still would be, so the fact you know your band is doing nothing means you will have these moments...hell if tomorrow I got my stomach back I would go wild...I would eat until I threw up! at least youre back on it today...until you get your band replaced or some revision I think this cycle will continue..its your head that tells you to binge on that crap.
All I can say is keep going, get that hypno band played every night!!
Oh sweetheart.... sending the biggest hugs ever x x x its always going to be so easy to binge on these naughty's working band or not....unfortunately a band will never stop us eating crisps, choc etc....as Sharon says...they breakdown all so easy and slip right thru.... we know the band works by slowing down our eating and again unfortunately these can pop in at an amazing rate when were in that state of mind :( the search for strength starts within hunni.... its a horrible cycle to get into and it takes a lot of courage to get off the roundabout and it all starts with the brain .....my best advise is to have nothing at home to binge on.....I try to only have it in, in small quantities. Maybe the low carb-ing isn't helping as its carbs we insist on binging on!! try keeping a small amount of carbs in your daily intake..... of course the next bit is to stop the cycle...so forget yesterday...today is a brand new day.........say 'just for today I will eat clean' or just for this hour I will eat clean..... break it down into small manageable chunks and pat yourself on the back for every single achievement. Stress is the worlds worst....i'm with you there hunni and am only just hanging on in there..... i'm sitting in bed having had breakfast and 2 ice lollys!!! not a great start to the day but know you not alone :)
A band and fighting that binge monster takes a lot of work and self discipline its about finding coping strategies that work for you to avoid these crap times because it all so easy triggers that guilt, remorse, self loathing which again leads to another binge...... stop right now.....take a long hard look in that mirror and see what a beautiful stunning woman you are.....see how far you have come and know even without your broken band where you would be now without it.... yes I agree sleeve or bypass possibly wouldn't be so easy to do, but it still happens if your inclined to!!

These unhealthy habits we have all have reasons and triggers work back and try and see what triggered this moment..... recognise it for future and work from there..... I know its easier said than done but unfortunately there is no easy solution....we are the makers and breakers of our own universe. ... it begins and ends with US ...... one day at a time hunni because all we have is US and only us can overcome this .....we NEED the determination to be stronger than our demons...... put a stop to this self harming thru food...... i'm not sure any surgery would stop this feeling.... my main reason for a band...... this behaviour with another surgery could potentially be very dangerous....indeed it IS with a band too, and I think its what mentally has kept me on track.....

Don't be hard on yourself, dont deny yourself either....damage limitations here...small steps...be mindful...and for now just try and gently tread :) every step a prayer (I think you will understand this sweetness)

For now dear sweet lady, beautiful lady, warm hearted, wonderful lady know were all here supporting you :) your our gang leader lol take your strength from us ....breath it in and 'just for today' empower yourself....take back that control of YOUR destiny ....for its only you who holds the key x x x x x x x x
Ok....12st 5 3/4. There it's out.

Phoned my boss and taking afternoon off. Lindsay is down at the van and I off to join him to join in with the decking paint job. It's like the forth road bridge it's never ending. So coming back Saturday

Had some corgette spaghetti with scallops and prawns and a tuna steak early brunch as I will be driving at lunch time and don't want to get hungry

Have chilli and cauliflour rice for tea

Thank you so much for all the heartfelt support. This has been a hard few weeks and I was thinking perhaps I don't need to put myself through more surgery and try to do this unaided

Yesterday just confirmed I need my weight loss tool. So bring it on!
Oh Kirsty, bless you, I would be just like you. I know it's easy to say but go easy on yourself. I hope they get things sorted for you soon. Thinking of you loads xx
Don't beat yourself up Kirsty, there are probably very few people on here that can't identify with you. Just keep trying even if it is one day at a time. I do hope you can get your problem sorted soon. But we are all here rooting for you.

I'm doing the opposite of you, because I don't feel any hunger I completely forget to eat, mainly because my hubby makes a cup of coffee for me, so I have to wait and then start doing something and time slips away.

Lynn x
Hey girl me and you are just so alike I destroy myself with food I need my tool too.

Like you I need to rein in food and make better choices and not keep having these slips.

I'm furious and devastated as I want much more restriction that I have. I took a massive leap to have the life changing surgery and in honesty it's not life changing I'm still bloody starving to try to lose lbs and feel hungry with it. I expected to have what bear and karina have a sense of, fullness and satiety.

I have woken up less destructive today and made better food choices and I'm feel a little brighter x

I am sending you a big hug just like crystals and my warmest thoughts too as I feel just like you do x
Oh Kirsty, just read this. Give or take a few items, I think I could have written it myself! I too returned to the wine yesterday after a 10 day hiatus! Why? Because it was sunny and I popped into the shop! I feel like a complete loser. Massively envious of those that have self restraint, and wondering why mine isn't there.

Alfie, I do get restriction but I'd be kidding myself if i felt bisuits, crisps and wine made me feel full! Nope, they just slip through! If i attempt chicken, it's wham bam no thank you mam!

Kirsty, I have no advice to give my lovely. Only that when we sit there with our glass in our hand, is it what we signed up for?? Nope, I signed up to be slim, healthy and gorgeous. We are slim and gorgeous....... But the wine and crisps aren't making us healthy!
Oh Kirsty hun!.... What a mare!.... Just been catching up with it all...... Couple of thoughts!... If they don't have the experience and admit so for the opp , Surgeons often share training!.... It may be that as your insured ( and therefore they are obliged to ) they could draft in someone with that experience to work with them and In turn train them up for the future?... Might be worth discussing with them!.... Also have you ever considered the MGB?.... It might be a good alternative for you to a sleeve if you are considering a switch in tools..... Have a read on Dr Rutledge you tube videos..... Just a thought as it's less easy to cheat / binge long term, because you are already low weight wise I don't know if it would be an option but worth having a look to see what you think...... Hang in there kiddo and try to be kind to yourself..... You WILL get it sorted! :) xx
Oh Kirsty, just read this. Give or take a few items, I think I could have written it myself! I too returned to the wine yesterday after a 10 day hiatus! Why? Because it was sunny and I popped into the shop! I feel like a complete loser. Massively envious of those that have self restraint, and wondering why mine isn't there. Alfie, I do get restriction but I'd be kidding myself if i felt bisuits, crisps and wine made me feel full! Nope, they just slip through! If i attempt chicken, it's wham bam no thank you mam! Kirsty, I have no advice to give my lovely. Only that when we sit there with our glass in our hand, is it what we signed up for?? Nope, I signed up to be slim, healthy and gorgeous. We are slim and gorgeous....... But the wine and crisps aren't making us healthy!

Slim, healthy and gorgeous...what operation were they offering at your hospital?!?!??!! That's mega!!
I have never drunk but did drink a lot of Pepsi max. Following the rules I have had nothing fizzy since my op but I must say when sitting in the sun I do miss a Pepsi max with loads of ice! I wouldn't even dare have a sip for fear of a slippery slope into bubble hell!!
It's never easy ladies...