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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I am sorry Kirsty. Binge is eating is v difficult to beat. I too fell victim to it for the last couple of days. I think tiredness and stress bring this on.
Once you have your treatment, it will be easier to battle but in the mean time remind yourself that your body coped with limited food perfectly for a long time and can do so again.
Wishing you all the best.
Just go forward now... x
We all resort back to the binging at some point hun. If it wasn't ingrained in us we would never have got to the sizes we were at. It's funny how polar opposites your body and your head can be in. You look fitter, are fitter and healthier and yet it takes our heads a lot longer to get healthy if that makes sense x follow SW portion sizes don't matter then do if you feel you need to eat more u can. X x
Kirsty don't beat yourself up when I had to have my band deflated with my pouch it was just like it was gone it was two weeks before Xmas and at first it felt wonderful to enjoy all the festive foods I'd been basically deprived off three months later and nearly three stone heavier it didn't look so rosy you only realise how much the band has done for you when it is empty. Just try and stay as on track as you can as you know I have had a reposition and still have stone and half of this weight I put on to loose. You can do it wish I'd tried harder but it just seemed to happen over nt I was so down depressed with the uncertainty and I'd worked so hard to get the six stone off and am now having to do it again but we will get there xx
Hi Kirsty. I've just been catching up with your thread and thought there but for the grace of whatever go I and probably many others on this forum. Pick the wrong day and it could be any one of us. I was going to post some tea and sympathy but not offer any advice but then this turned up in my inbox and I wondered if it might be helpful. I may not have posted it right in which case I'll try again but I think it's worth a read xx

oooh It popped into my inbox too..... I hurried to read and identified with all that was said, but sadly felt a little let down when there was no 'magic key' at the end LOL unfortunately its all 'stuff' we already know BUT the harmful times are when everything goes out the window and **** hits the fan and we say to hell with it all LOL our heads are funny things eh..... just have to wait till times right and were feeling positive to start implementing it all over again :)

Huge hugs to all you beautiful women out there ... x x x x x mawhhhhhhhhh
Hi Kirsty. I've just been catching up with your thread and thought there but for the grace of whatever go I and probably many others on this forum. Pick the wrong day and it could be any one of us. I was going to post some tea and sympathy but not offer any advice but then this turned up in my inbox and I wondered if it might be helpful. I may not have posted it right in which case I'll try again but I think it's worth a read xx https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/5-steps-to-take-control-of-food-addiction/

Pippa I got this through MFP today too. Will have a read
Girls. A picture from where I'm sitting on the decking of our van......first signs of summer. What a bl@@dy difference it makes to have a bit of heat in the air and to see the sun. Feeling grateful xx


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Looks lovely Kirsty.

We've got sun but it's very muggy for our weekend back in the big smoke!
Enjoy your weekend lovely Kirsty. X
Purple pippa I am in Romsley the other side of the county but work across the county but knew to keep well away from 3CS traffic yesterday lol x
Kirsty.....how do you add a picture? Xxx
Looks lovely Kirsty, glad you finally got a little bit of summer. We had torrential rain last night but this morning the sun is shining again. My poor little staffy really suffered yesterday with the humidity. Enjoy your weekend

Lynn x
Kirsty.....how do you add a picture? Xxx

Of to the usual
Respond box

That brings up an advance box on top right corner

Brings up the add photo option

Once downloaded a box on the left hand bar at the top asks you to send or similar?

This brings you back to the reply screen and you can start typing

I use an iPad and iPhone. This is how it works when you use the WLS surgery app. It may be different if your using a computer
Looks lovely Kirsty, glad you finally got a little bit of summer. We had torrential rain last night but this morning the sun is shining again. My poor little staffy really suffered yesterday with the humidity. Enjoy your weekend Lynn x

Yea my staff was panting all day and my rotti was a bit distressed. We have fans for them down here !!!!! And a paddling pool - didn't inflate it yesterday tough
Raining in yorkshire today..but I'm at work so key it pour down!
Oh that view looks amazing, I feel chilled out just looking at your picture x
Photo looks lush!

It's miserable down in London today. Drizzle and humid. My time hop app says it was 23 degrees and sunny last year! Hummmmm

Have a lovely time! xxx

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Kirsty don't beat yourself up when I had to have my band deflated with my pouch it was just like it was gone it was two weeks before Xmas and at first it felt wonderful to enjoy all the festive foods I'd been basically deprived off three months later and nearly three stone heavier it didn't look so rosy you only realise how much the band has done for you when it is empty. Just try and stay as on track as you can as you know I have had a reposition and still have stone and half of this weight I put on to loose. You can do it wish I'd tried harder but it just seemed to happen over nt I was so down depressed with the uncertainty and I'd worked so hard to get the six stone off and am now having to do it again but we will get there xx

This has really made me think..... Thank you
Yep, I'm on London today. Stoopid drizzle!