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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I agree with everyone else, no Bessie Bunter in those pictures. You look fab, but we are all our own worst critics. I know you are not where you want to be at the moment, but you are incredibly hard on yourself. You are trying to do this with a faulty tool but when it is sorted I am sure you will reach your goals

Be kind to yourself

Lynn x
Don't be hard on yourself, I also would love to be your weight, so feel proud about what you have achieved, you look lovely xx
Just to confirm you look lovely and I can't see any difference between the two pics. x
Thanks again all you gorgeous mind ladies

Just re my posts. And sound like a self pitying ass! There are folks in every walk office with terrible things going on and what's going on with me is fixable

Seriously though not felt this level of self loathing in a long long time. Feel like a total failure. The intelec knows this is pants but the emotional is on self destruct setting right now :-(

Will take it a day at a time. Today not doing so badly girls

Thank you again - hope your all good
Kirsty hun you are Sooo beautiful..... Your skin is to die for!.. I know it's tough emotionally but we are not fibbing!... You DO look great!..... Take a long look back at those photos you put up pre opp my love!..... Spot the difference now?.... Hoping these feeling are short lived hun and that Bally band is fixed soon so you can get back to business! :) xx
Ah Kirsty, hugs to you. :) I know you say that there are people who have terrible things going on in their lives but you feel how you feel, no matter what other people are going through. I always say that someone might have a twisted ankle and someone else might have a broken ankle, which may seem a worse thing, but it doesn't mean the twisted ankle hurts any less.

One day at a time sounds like a great plan. Chin up beautiful lady xxx :)
Sorry you are feeling the blues. You are right, just ride it through. You will feel better, emotionally, let it take its time.
Sending you a big hug from London.xx
Think you're looking great kursty! Chin up missus. Day at a time.


Can't say anything not already said but just wanted to let you know I agree with all the others :)
You really are incredibly hard on yourself and need to give yourself a wee break. What would you tell someone else who was feeling how you are? If you saw your posts on the forum from someone else what would you say to them? You would absolutely tell them to go easy on themselves and show lots of love and support to help them through it - now try and apply that to yourself.
I know it's hard but each time your negative self appears, try and bring out your positive self and talk yourself through it as if you were talking to a dear friend.
You can and will get through this x
Keep your pecker up Hun x
Lovely Kirsty I have a quick question re your cauli cheese soup. I made some for my lunch today, nit sure if its right tbh. I always have smoked Spanish Paprika as it is wonderful stuff but mine is the sweet variety, should I be using picante ?
I hope the soup is edible ;-)

I manage a cup anyway, lol forgot to add the cheese at first. :8855: If I were to make it again I would probably put in less paprika as the stuff I have is very strong, i.e. Bought in Spain.

Gonna try a lentil and vegetable next.
Hi Kirsty

Just caught up with your diary, and so sorry to hear about your band, hope they get it sorted soon.

The pictures of you are lovely, and to be honest I cant see no difference in ether photo, but as you say it's the way we feel and I think we all do it.

Great photo from your caravan, I love that area.

So sorry I will not be able to see you and Sharon and everyone else, I am so gutted has I was so looking forward to meeting you all on Saturday.

Sorry if I keep coming and going on the site, but I do think about you.

I am in hospital at the moment not sure when my op is, so hopefully will keep in touch more.

Take care, have a lovely weekend with Sharon and the meet up on Saturday with everyone. xxxx