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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Sorry your having such a poo time hun. Try to refocus and take the stress off yourself for your faulty band you'll get there x
How did you make your cauli rice. I need to learn this!!!! Lol We can all get through the tough days together :) xx

I buy it readymade from tesco lol but you can google it. Basically it's just grated cauliflour I like to try it in olive oil or butte but you can also micro wave it
Cauliflower rice is one of my faves! I just stick a whole cauli in the food processor & blitz it. Fry it in 1 cal spray with onions. Yum!
Hi Kirsty

Sorry you are feeling so ruff at the moment, roll on the 22nd.

Please to hear you all had a good time in Manchester.

have a lovely weekend xxxx
Well girls. I started to log my food on here on Thursday. Was ding great till around 6pm when I pappy fly shoved two packets of crisps two choc Ices and a 4 finger kit Kat down my gob!!!

So the public good logging isnit going to work either

Today I'm 12st 9 and a half - up from 12.7

I so need to get my head Into the right place for this repair. Plus it will probably be weeks before I get a fill after the op :-(
Kirsty , they can put some in during the op surely, and if they want to check if it cures the leak? Date will soon be here, please try and stop punishing yourself for something out of your control. Some things you can change others just need acceptance hun. Hugx
I buy it readymade from tesco lol but you can google it. Basically it's just grated cauliflour I like to try it in olive oil or butte but you can also micro wave it

Oh wow I didn't know that. Thanks :) cx
Four weeks to go!!!!
Why can't we buy will power?? You can buy anything you want these days but not will power!!!
Ok please stop weighing yourself after binges it's a nasty cycle Hun. If you eat too much, tell your self I'll be good for a day or 2 then weigh..... Psychologically your tearing strips off yourself... Stop please please please!!!

Now deep breath, 4 weeks to go, and seriously Hun .... Get the rubbish out the cupboards and put it in the shed!!! If you're like me you will forge on it and keep the cycle going.

We are care deeply and we're watching you hurt yourself by punishing yourself.

You do not need to punish yourself lovely lovely lady, so it's a few lbs, your bands piggin broke so don't be awful to yourself please

Remove the junk, take up knitting it crosstitch to keep your brain and hands busy.

Break the cycle and take the next 4 weeks as a period to reduce your emotional stress, be calmer and prepare for the fix xxx

Sending my warmest hugs and hope my stern word stops you in your tracks xxx
Sorry, Kirsty. I know there is no stopping once mind goes into a eat frame. Hope you continue with your walks. Just put the battle with food behind, and walk. Eating problem will be resolved soon. Feeling for you...
Oh Kirsty. You give me advice, I give you advice but we're never taking our own advice are we!!! :-((((

I have no words except who is that wrote about AA meetings. Apparently they say 'Today I won't drink'. If we both try and wake up every day and say 'today I will eat & drink healthily' surely we've got a chance of getting a few days right per week!

Years ago I had a good friend called bob, when times were bad I would ask him "bob can we fix it?" He always replied "yes we can"...take this mantra with you ladies...
Guys. What would I do without you all

These are very dark days for me

It's crazy that weigh gain can make you feel such self loathing

I have a hectic weekend but from Monday I have nothing coming up till my op and I am really gonna try to get back down under 12st that about 10kb now. It's becoming s bigger target every few days

But if I needed the band in the first place, why am I so hard on myself because I can't maintain or loss weight without it

My friend had her band de filled to go a cruise and put on 18lb. She quickly got it filled and has now lost most of her gain but she said to me she couldnot live without her band as she just has I stopsignal

That's what like

I'm for ever in your debt girls for all your continued support. Thank you x
Kirsty, thinking of you and only wish I could help, but I think we would all be doing the same in your situation. Don't be hard on yourself and don't pressurise yourself. Just think in four weeks time you will be back in control and losing again xx