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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I posted this on the SW thread but just for you sweetheart :)

A bad choice does not mean you failed.....
A bad day does not mean you failed.....
You never run out of chances to start over again.....

Good morning!! TODAY is a new day !!!!

Tomorrow is a bright new shinning day sweetness....tread gently, every breath a prayer......

Anyway how bad (in the scheme of things) is 2 packs of crisps 2 choc ices and a 4 finger kitkat ??? That is certainly not going to gain you 2lb hunni ...... Every time you step on those scales your weighing the mass of what you have eaten not actual weight gains.... put those scales away, boot out the naughty's and just be content to be where your at right now....all this going round and round is exhausting and frankly SOOOO destructive, its about time you learned to love and nurture yourself hunni, just like we do..... now take a long hard look at where you have come from, pat yourself on the blooming back and say well done gal!!! life has been no bed of roses, and here you are, a survivor..... you console and council everyone else ...take a little for yourself for once x x x x xx huge hugs hope life smiles on you real soon x x x x
WELL SAID Crystal no point in beating yourself up all the time each day is a new start. Grab it with both hands and just start again you can't change yesterday and you can not predict tomorrow :)
We all know exactly how you feel.

You are not alone.

It will get better. And those scales will start moving again.

Just remember everything you've achieved. It's inspirational xxx
Yes so if you eat 2 kilo in weight of cucumber you're going to weight heavy.... If you eat 2 kilo of chocolate your going to weigh heavy ... It's the mass of what you've consumed as crystal says. For weight 'gain' to happen you have to weight for the body to turn it to fat and that takes a couple of days.... You per and poop most of the weight out my deary x

Put them away because it's your scales that trigger you self hurting cycle.

Mine are in a cupboard down stair to stop me hopping in them every morning. They have been in the garage before.

I'm out of the habit now and I DO feel better not persistently weighing Hun. Please try it x
Hey hunny,

Sorry I've not been online in a while, just catching up on posts.

I'm so sorry to hear you are having a tough time.

You will get through this and achieve what you want!! You've overcome so much already, this is just a bump in the road.

Keep your chin up and take one day (hour if need be) at a time.

Sending you love xx
Chin up! You can do this stop punishing yourself. Stop buying the crap. If you want something sweet have an Atkins bar you love them and their chocolatey and packed full of protein. Or have an options hot choc and a handful of strawbs.
The longer you keep punishing yourself the harder it's going to be to get back on track x x
Hi Kirsty

Just to let you no I am thinking about, as everyone is.

You are always there for me, just to let you know I am here for you.

You can do this Kirsty, I know you can but as we all no it's not an easy battle, infact it's a hard slog.

Take care xx Huge hugs
I'm ok. Seem to be stabilising out at 12 7ish

Would dearly love to get under 12 for the op three weeks today

I called the Nuffield. I am still PROVISIONALLY booked in but the nursing/admin have not been passed my details yet. Still awaiting approval somewhere along the line. It must be a funding issue!
I'm ok. Seem to be stabilising out at 12 7ish Would dearly love to get under 12 for the op three weeks today I called the Nuffield. I am still PROVISIONALLY booked in but the nursing/admin have not been passed my details yet. Still awaiting approval somewhere along the line. It must be a funding issue!

Oh hopefully they get it sorted...well they will have too!!! Xxx
Ring up and start crying that will get you sorted! Tell them this is really affecting you..cry a bit more!! Works every time x
:cry:plenty of tears Kirsty.

You should ring and ask when your pre med is, before you go in.
Sometimes they like it to be a week before, signing all the paper work etc.

Take care xx
Crikey, definitely call. You're covered under your agreed plan, so there shouldn't be a funding issue should there?
Clarity or an explanation of what got to be sorted and the timelines for your planned treatment is what you pay for. Quietly demand in a determined way to have the detail. Remember you're the patient (paid up one and all!) .... Then cry for good effect lol xxx