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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Hey Kirsty, not seen you for a while. Hope you're doing ok. xx
Hi girls. I'm going to be fine. Have been on track today and that's the first day for weeks. Hanging on in there. Just don't have much to offer at moment and I'm sounding like a broken record lol xxxx
Hi Kursty The days are ticking by so not long now till your op really. Did you want a little meet up before then or wait until you have recovered ? Even if its just for coffee and a blether. I have a feeling I was supposed to start a thread on that.. Oops I can still do it if you think its worth it. Wont be long now, you've being flying solo long enough hugx

Weegie I will start a thread.
Click to the sub forum Kirsty and on the top left is the new thread button. Xx
Have forgotten how to start a new thread.

Haha. If using the app go to the forum you want to post in then hit the arrow top right.. The drop down menu has 'New Thread' x
Sprinkling some pretty, uplifting, smiling, happy, friendly fairy dust around :) am here waiting for you ....... going to pester till your back x x x x x x
Sent you some Reiki this morning.... will send again later before bed :) hope you start to pick up soon....wtg on being on a good run x x x x x x huge hugs x x x
I was up at over12.9

Back to 12.6 today

So less than a stone gain

Still trying to get under 12 before my op. A bit unrealistic maybe

Trying for day 3 back on track today :)
That's still a great effort! Well done....not long now and let's hope they fix your band so you can get back on track x
Good stuff Kirsty. :) Sounding positive.
Get off them scales girl.... Free your mind and just have a day at a time and weigh just once a week if you have to. Your approach of 1 day at a time is a great healer so keep doing it. We don't fail we have a day that's not as good as tomorrow xxx