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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Good to see you sweetheart.... one day at a time .... small bites of that old elephant...... x x x x x doing amazing be gentle and kind x x x
It's not a gain Kirsty - you're still several stone less than you were last year. Xx
If sharon can pass her driving test then you can do this!!! Hope you are ok...i will try and keep with you all this next 6 days whilst i am away depending on signal in Jersey x
Well done Kirsty, good luck on day 4, you can do it. You are so strong and offer brilliant advice to us all on here. Now give yourself some of that TLC and smash those pounds!
You're doing great Kirsty. If you can have more good days than bad, you're definitely getting there. X
Hows it going sweetness? had thought about that quote..... that's us mrs :) wandering not lost...... were just taking the scenic route for now :) huge hugs .....still sending strength x x x
Ok last night I had a bottle of wine but no food binging so I still felt under control - though bad choice with the wine calorie wise but I did have it with a gorgeous big salad with advacado and smoked mackerel no crisps or rubbish

Feeling ok today girls x
Good for you hon, well done. Everything in moderation and you managed that, instead of bingeing you chose one thing to have a treat and left it at that. Bravo! Xxx
This is great choices Hun... You moderated you choices and had balance x you aye well to allow for vino.... Well done x see the positives when they're slapping you in the face lol x