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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Wow! That walk looks amazing! Well done chick! I think your gonna achieve amazing things babe, I just got a feeling you will do great ..... XXXX
well done kirsty wow 14 mile that some walking good on maintaining the weight will try and post to you while I am a way we are going for two weeks so hope to get plenty of excise in
you have a great night xx
I'm in a bit of a quandary.

My dietitian said she wants me to get to the stage that I stop logging my food just make healthy choices and listen to my band.

I do a low carb diet. But my food has veered into the use of Atkins meal replacement bars and liberte high protein yogurts

A typical day could look like this

Breakfast and Atkins meal bar
Lunch two liberte yoghurts
Dinner mackrel and salad or meat with broccoli and cauliflower
Supper an Atkins chocolate bar and a liberte yoghurt

I do manage to get my protein in as the Atkins bars have about 15g and the yoghurts have about 12 and with the meat or fish I normally end up around 60 to 70 g of protein

But.....this is not a normal way to eat!!!!

My thinking about food is so disordered that I won't out a Bananna or starchy veg over my mouth for fear of the carbs. And I even feel guilty over making a pot of lentil soup last week!!!!

I know my attitude to controlling food is unhealthy - but hey we are talking serious eating disorder girl here! In recovery lol and not as extreme as in years gone by

To come away from this. I think I need to stick to a plan

Tonight I am considering joining SW and sticking to the extra easy plan. This means no counting and eating real food. I imagine I would steer clear of potatoes and rice, can't do the pasta anyway for celiac reasons. But I would eat fruit EEK! (Palpitations at the thought), I would eat lentils and carrots etc, stuff I don't eat now.

The trouble with this idea is I have been here so often. I have failed at SW at least a dozen times, along with WW and the various other clubs. ,I am afraid that I will fail at this also. My problem with SW is I seriously binged out on the free food. I would make a 500g tray on mince as chilli, bulk it out with veg and beans - and eat a massive portion and go back for mor later in the evening and have a big spoonful every time I was in the kitchen :-(

I am hoping my band would prevent that

Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I know no one can advise me as I have to make my own decision. But I'm am needing a way to expand my food list but still feel safe, still have some boundaries

I know is all sounds crazy girls. I don't know if any of you ever go through this agony over trying to control your food? The confusion and indecision is very real for me...and normal...how sad is this
Im still totally obsessed too. I write down what i eat each day, but it works!
Have you tried the marks and sparks fuller for longer range, they do great food in fact im off there today to get a few. You could always try a week on these...see how they suit you.
Oh and the other reason I fancied the club is to get rid of my scales and the daily weigh in and have them weigh me once a week and know that I am being weighed every Monday. My tesco weigh in is a Thursday but sometimes I do not do it if I have been off plan
But the class is torture!!?
tis a hard one and your dietician is right.... the band is meant to do it job and tell you when to stop and i guess that was the hole point of having, but i also get the needing to have the safety net there..... i am completely different to most of you guys.... i never limit carbs or purposely increase my protein .... i eat normal stuff everyday including treats and i never feel denied in the slightest, as you also know my band is empty .... i have tackled this mainly thru the 20 20 20 rules of course i do log my food ... it would be so easy for me to go way over the top.... i stick to 1000 a day of normal foods and can say i never feel real hunger, head hunger yes....... and that's down to will power ....someday's i win that battle others i dont!! I still go by the 1000 cal deficit theory and its worked perfectly for me..... I think what ever you decide is going to be hard, re programming that old brain is a complete different story..... but everything is worth a go.................... one thing i would say is, if you were to be eating more 'normal' foods maybe the hunger would be at bay better..... protein bars (in my opinion are wasted cals) far better spent on a nice chicken breast and veggies and potatoes..... my meal last night total 189 cals!! I agree protein is a must but that can all be gained by eating normal too..... breakfast 2 scrambled eggs... fish for lunch and chicken dinner tonight perfect if i dont indulge in treats my cal intake will be under 800 for the day but of course i will indulge..... a biscuit (or 2) a yoghurt and a hot choc tonight :)

Good luck sweetness what ever you decide x x x x tis a journey of the unknown be brave x x x x x
I agree with crystal about the bars, why no give them up for a week and try dense protein, ham and cheese, chicken stuff like that. I find egg and beans fill me up for hours.
Have a bit of an experiment!!
Hi Kirsty, I think it's very hard to get over the food obsession. Especially when we've had it for most of our lives. To be honest I think how ever we can get through it is what we must do. Perhaps with a little kick up the backside - is it possible to kick your own backside?!? - from ourselves when we can. Sometimes counselling can help - helped me but only so far and you need top ups, which are not cheap. But we each have to do it ourselves in our own way. Perhaps you can try little changes to move you towards a goal way of eating that would be doable for you. Good luck what ever you do! You've done so brilliantly. Even when I don't have time/feel up to posting myself I get great inspiration from you. So thanks too.
Kirsty, bear with me this could be a long one.

The last 7 years have seen me gain 4 stone when I have been having Atkins bars, lighter life bars and shakes and various other low carb products. Don't get me wrong, I could still do half an Atkins chocolate decadence bar now, but this isn't the way I want to spend my life. Yes, I want to use the bars for an emergency lunch, but not everyday.

I have stopped logging on MFP every day for the last month. I still know what I'm having.

Today my intake will be:
10 Kellogs raisin wheats for brekkie
A skinny Costa latte
Prawns and crayfish for lunch
Fish cake and beans, glass of wine and Danio mini yogurt
2 digestive biscuits

I think my daily intake is around 1000 calories.

As you know i do my frozen roast meals. Initially when I did these I excluded potatoes. I'm now adding a few in.

No, I don't eat bread, pasta or rice but (and I hope you don't take this the wrong way). I bet you didn't go through the trauma of having an operation to eat exactly the same way you ate before by having Atkins all the time.

You've lost a great amount of weight Kirsty, but by what you're saying, you're not entirely happy with the way you're doing it. Try eating the Crystal way for a week. Judge how you feel and then judge your loss.
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I have decided on a compromise

Give my husband my scales and weigh weekly in Tesco

Try to be less restrictive in
My carb allowance. Eat at least one portion of fruit a day. Have a pot of soup in the stove every day..... Even lentil!

I was beginning to feel panicky at the thought of going to a slimming club

So what if I'm not normal round food. I like to snack! with these changes I will be getting a healthy food intake

Whew! Decision made! Feel calmer

What a state I have been in all day trying to make a decision and you know what? What I'm doing works or has so far. I think I am panicking because I see the dietitian on Friday and had no loss at all in December
Thanks girls.

Bear I can't do the crystal or even the bear way..... One biscuit sends me into a binge. I am so black and white around what I see as good and bad food if I put a single biscuit, chocolate or crisp into my mouth I go into a melt down. I'm a bit the same with potatoes rice etc

When k started eating after my band I was eating more food and using the Atkins bars as my treat at night bi was really happy with that. But I have started reaching for them or the yoghurt a fir lunch and breakfast too

If I can put the bars back in there place I.e as a treat instead if a biscuit or chocolate, and stop using them to replace my meals I think I will be ok

Today I had scrambled egg and bacon for breakfast I had some mackerel fillet for lunch. and am now going to have my home made soup. I bought some apples and pears today do will have an apple and a couple of baby bells for supper....or a wee Atkins bar ..... Because I have eaten real food all day and have apple and baby bell light for breakfast
Well done on the food choices they sound good...im the same with the treats, one and thats it...two, three, four!!
God my mini M&S meal has stuffed me to the rafters, i shouldnt have had the last mouthfull....just that bit to far.
My husband is also on the balanced for you meals from there, he loves them, maybe Lyndsay could be converted, they taste great, and my 19 st husband enjoys them!
Well done on the food choices they sound good...im the same with the treats, one and thats it...two, three, four!! God my mini M&S meal has stuffed me to the rafters, i shouldnt have had the last mouthfull....just that bit to far. My husband is also on the balanced for you meals from there, he loves them, maybe Lyndsay could be converted, they taste great, and my 19 st husband enjoys them!

I will have a look Karina. Lindsay I saying he is going to start cutting down

They sound lovely

Do they do gluten free?
I don't know to be honest but I'm sure they will, I have decide to start shopping there every week now I was that excited! My mum does her food shop there she swears by it!