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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Having just had a look they have a 63 page booklet if food that's gluten free!! You should be fine!
Kirsty, I completely understand. The only way that I don't have digestive no. 3,4&5 now is my little bubbles and hiccups that tell me my sleeve has had enough. I don't know whether you get that feeling with a band or not. As you know, my weakness is wine and as its liquid, it's up to my own willpower for me to say 'no' to another glass. As you know also, I'm not always successful in saying no. God, what are we like!!! We've paid all this money to change our lives - and we're so nearly there. If we could just iron out our one little issue. Grgrgrgrgr
i simply don't have the weaknesses in the house! i got used to going without and the brain trained...... i no longer drink in the week and or have snacks in the house, i know its difficult if partner/hubby does but i lived with a saboteur and knew i wanted healthy me more than the temping things, sorry to sound high and mighty... I'm not intending to but its just what worked for me, i still have to try when around food elsewhere though. :-( x
Ha ha Bear, that's why I don't have wine in the house anymore. One glass is just not enough...to be honest, I don't always stop at a bottle...shame on me !!
NHS made me so mad...all the resources of the NHS employed and he discharges himself against their advice...spoiled brat!!!
I've just watched it..he's as bad as the woman in the usa a few nights ago, these people just cannot be helped..discharging himself in that state! That's what the lady did and she was dead in 2 weeks.
And now it's people to fat to work! Why do I watch this stuff it winds me up to be honest! As a 40% income tax payer it winds me right up!!!! This couple get 2k a month in benefits!!!
Bugger, missed that was watching Corrie. Am on the benefits programme. OMFG. Must have canapés! Wtf
And now it's people to fat to work! Why do I watch this stuff it winds me up to be honest! As a 40% income tax payer it winds me right up!!!! This couple get 2k a month in benefits!!!

I completely agree, I'm in your boat! Gets right on my small boobs!!

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
I'm just sat open mouthed!
They should make WLS compulsory .... Now there's a controversial thought lol. Think of all the benefits we would avoid having to pay out to those who consider themselves too fat to work. Though I did feel sorry for the young girl. She was obese before she went to high school...mum was a feeder...and nothing healthy going onto that plate. Did you see that big ootie cheese sarnie? God love her. Some serious intervention required for her ever to have any chance in life :-(

When I hiked 14 miles on Saturday I realised that I had lost the weight in my suitcase which I took to lanzarotti. - since August. I tried to imagine doing 1 mile, never mind 14 carrying that suitcase. It would have been impossible.

I don't mean to be flippant about fat individuals...I was one for most of my adult life. Some would consider I still am one....but day to day life is just so hard for a person of weight. Those who are asking for help and willing to work hard should get the help they need....but the wee man in the programme who was getting married for the seventh or eighth time needed a good slap!!!!
I'm not sure even if the wife had surgery, she could be bothered to get up and get a job. She hadn't worked in 20 years and her whole 'can't be ar**d' attitude shone through loud and clear.
I haven't seen it yet going to watch it on catchup. I've seen lots of comments of face book
I have just taken out an upgrade on
My phone contract. I clearing out my phone which had I've 4k photos lol

Found a couple pre WLS and putting up one from new year this year


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