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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Crikey Kirsty, you can really see the change from that first pic!
Sophisticated and very sexy!!! I am in love with your legs!!!!!! :)

Aw thanks Llora...would love to take the credit for them but just good leg genes...my mum and my aunt both had the exact same shape of legs.....and the same huge boobs lol - mind you my aunt as a forrester in the highlands, my mum was a walker all her life...my dad was a serious hill walker so I didn't have much option but to walk when I was younger and it has given me a passion for it all my life. So maybe I gave them a helping hand. Defo the only part of my body I actually like :)

My husband will drive the routes we were made to walk even as small children and reckons it amounted to child cruelty lol!
You look amazing hunny! Such a difference xx

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