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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Karina...low carb

For the past couple of days I have had a gorgeous salad of baby leaves, red onion, feta cheese, advocado, and crispy bacon for lunch. Tonight lovely fish and salad for tea. Not been to marks yet for a look at the meals

At the start if the week I tried to eat fruit etc...li was starving, if I eat carbs it makes me really really hungry :-(

Not lost weight as yet. I suppose having to loss 6lb the week between Xmas and new year may mean a stall for a couple of weeks...I will keep going

Dietitian tomorrow morning
And she is just disproving her own theory...she has eaten 4k calories a day for two weeks and not gained a single pound!!!!

How much wright would I put on ????

Just proves it can be about metabolism!!
And she is just disproving her own theory...she has eaten 4k calories a day for two weeks and not gained a single pound!!!! How much wright would I put on ???? Just proves it can be about metabolism!!

She was saying in big brother she put on 4 stone to prove she could lose it as overweight people are just lazy....and she's a horse xx
Guys I'm a poor metabolism gal....i could gain a stone in a week.....then it would disappear 2 weeks later. .. i was actually very very poorly and it's deffo about ones own autoimmune system say 75% lifestyle and quantitative and quality of food the rest..... don't watch TV but think I know who you on about...is she the posh prat who says she wouldn't let her children go for tea a houses of children with chavvy names or names she's not keen on?

You know she's making a career of people being shocked and talking about her.... idiot....xxx
Guys I'm a poor metabolism gal....i could gain a stone in a week.....then it would disappear 2 weeks later. .. i was actually very very poorly and it's deffo about ones own autoimmune system say 75% lifestyle and quantitative and quality of food the rest..... don't watch TV but think I know who you on about...is she the posh prat who says she wouldn't let her children go for tea a houses of children with chavvy names or names she's not keen on? You know she's making a career of people being shocked and talking about her.... idiot....xxx

Yep love..that's the same person x
I'm sitting in the Nuffield. My appointment had been cancelled but no one thought to let me know. We have had severe storms overnight the rail network is in chaos and the road was a nightmare took over a hour to get here. The dietitian and the appointment booker got things mixed up and they thought there were no appointments booked so the dietitian cancelled the clinic. Not a happy bunny. They have got her I. The phone bi have spoken to her and she will phone me this evening. I have insisted that I at least get weighed while I am here and waiting for a nurse
Oh good luck with the weigh in! Its a bit windy here so god knows what it is like where you are!!