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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Finally back to a weight loss position yay!!!!!

11st 12 today So lost 1lb this week

And that's me finally broken that half stone barrier that I have been hovering around since the start of December. So that is me actually hit the 3 and a half stone loss

I have half a pound to go till I have lost 50lb. So hopefully next week

Only 26lb to get to goal
Hi kurstywursty it doesn't take a few minuets to pick up a telephone to cancel your appointment. It makes me cross because all over hospitals you get letters saying if you don't turn up to the appointment you will be discharged doesn't work the other way around does it ? :(
Oh when I got weighed at the hospital I had lost 8.5lb since 7th November so averages out a 1lb week. Not ideal but I had a hellish December weight wise. But back on track big time :)
Well done on your loss I forgot to say, but it makes it all the more annoying that your have paid for a service but still don't get the respect from someone yo cancel the trip.
So after the disappointment re the dietitian today. I went for breakfast with Lindsay. Had cram bled eggs and a cup of tea while he scoffed a full English and a homebaked scone n jam. Then I got home changed onto My hiking boots and waterproofs and braved the storm!! It was wet and wild our here !!! Walking again tomorrow and supposed to be doing a 10 mile hike on Sunday. So hopefully help drop a pond or so


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Well done on your loss I forgot to say, but it makes it all the more annoying that your have paid for a service but still don't get the respect from someone yo cancel the trip.

How you doing Mouse. I don't think I have seen your diary for a couple of days?
Dietitian called me this evening...sending me a customised eating plan. She thinks I am getting my protein in at the expense of fruit and veg....I dint really do fruit. Too many carbs!

I suspect the Atkins bars may have to go :-(

If anyone wants to know what she suggests I can let you know

She is concerned about my yo yo weight...hey so am I.

She thinks I may need another fill as I can still eat too much and no food causes me any problems.

Agreed to see her in another couple of months
Hi I went swimming yesterday managed to do 16 lengths, did marching on the spot, leg stretches back and front all in water, this morning I could hardly get out of bed and I feel,like I've been beaten up lol and I've lost another pound my scales said on Wednesday but I will do my official weigh in tomorrow and see if it's still missing then I'll be happy :)
I'd be interested in what she says Kirsty,I've not heard from my dietitian,not sure how often were supposed to see them?
I think another fill will sort you out!
See what she suggests, it's worth a try.. You are doing well though and getting out for a walk in this weather...bloody hell fire!!
yeah so dish or spill the beans lol, i need a picture of these marks meals..... so i know what i asm looking for or ill do that gormless thing of walking up and down the isle millions of times and buying crap i don't need

anyone want to send me a picky?

Fab loss Kirsty!!!! And yes, I'm interested in the dieticians recommendations too.

Re yo yo weight loss, I've had a bit if that too over December and have been worrying about it. But when I look back a month or two months I can see the weight coming off slowly but surely. I guess I wanted the very high weight loss of the first few weeks to continue - high hopes! It's only when I look in the last week or two that it feels like a stall and I throw myself into a rut. Your weight loss over time has been fantastic! It may go up and down a bit but the trend is definitely down down down :0)