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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Ah Xenia. I have been wondering about you love. Hope you are ok. I couldn't even find you as you don't have a diary. Great to hear from you it may be a week or so before it arrives but sheiks going to email me and I will get in touch. Can you PM me again so I can send it to you xx
Hi I went swimming yesterday managed to do 16 lengths, did marching on the spot, leg stretches back and front all in water, this morning I could hardly get out of bed and I feel,like I've been beaten up lol and I've lost another pound my scales said on Wednesday but I will do my official weigh in tomorrow and see if it's still missing then I'll be happy :)

Well done Bear xx exercise makes us feel so good....but the pain lol

Good luck for the official weigh in
Ok for everyone interested, I will let you all know when the meal plan arrives. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it on here?????

If not you can PM me your email addresses and I will forward it on

I felt really lean round my middle this morning when I woke up so jumped on the scales......yeeeees! Reached the 50lb loss goal this morning. Feels fantastic. I can never get to a century goal...I don't have enough left to loose..so this was my biggie. I can make 70lb if I work hard though :)

What are we like...always looking at that next milestone!

My husband thinks I have lost enough weight. He tells me I look fantastic and does not want me getting too thin. If I never lost another pound I would still not regret having my band as I have gone from a size 22/24 to a 16...and have a few 14s slipping in. But I did not put myself through the surgical trauma or expense to not get I to the normal weight range. Which is actually 10.3 at the top end, I want to get to 9.13 though. The difference with this journey compared to any other time I have lost weight is I am enjoying the journey, the getting there. I am happy as I am right now, just want to go further. Other times I have lost weight I have never been able to enjoy my success, always wanting to get more weight off and not feeling good about where I was on the journey. I don't know what the difference is. Maybe the fear of it all piling back on is not as strong and I'm not a miserable cow all the time because I'm dieting. This is now a way of life for me and I don't feel deprived at all.

I went out for a hike today with my mate Dan we got soaked in the snow. But I am on a dog walking forum and they posted pictures of them walking the same hill dan and I had but they started an hour and a half later than us - jeez oh the snow was coming down side ways and it was a total white out. It's wild up here right now

My big 10 mile hike tomorrow has been cancelled due to the weather :-( pansies!!!! Lol. So I might hit the gym and try to re start my couch to 5k.....or I might just turn over and snuggle in for a long lie. Wil decide I. The morning

Have a great Saturday night wherever you are...stay safe xx
Oh well done!!! I'm chuffed for you!
I agree it doesn't seems like a diet it's normal eating but less!!
Well done on passing the milestone! :D

I'd love to know what the dietitian gives you! I don't see why you can't post it on here, we all share our own diets on here all the time a professional one will help!

As for your hubby, he is probably getting used to this journey too. I'm guessing OH's have a journey too with this WLS... That is OH's that notice! I'm down 7 and a half stone and my ex-BF (but still around) of 7 years, has only JUST said to me 'you look like you've lost weight!! LOL

Woooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhho Kirsty on the big 50 :) YAYYYYYYYYYYY WTG !!! Turning over and snuggling up sounds very appealing LOL what ever you decide have a great day x x xx
YES KURSTY!...... Way to go! That is brilliant!... Hears to our next 20lbs (a lot more for me if I can)..... We can do it! ...Like you though I would be happy with a nice size 14 I think but will just see were this journey takes me and how I feel along the way!.... Snuggle up warm in bed!... Sounds lovely and you certainly have earned it! X
Fantastic loss Kursty!! You deserve a lie in :0) then come join us in the couch to 5k! I'm on my 3rd walk/run and it's getting easier already!
Ah Xenia. I have been wondering about you love. Hope you are ok. I couldn't even find you as you don't have a diary. Great to hear from you it may be a week or so before it arrives but sheiks going to email me and I will get in touch. Can you PM me again so I can send it to you xx

Hi Kirsty, I'm fine, been very preoccupied with work :-(
Weight loss is slow, 11kg so far but I'm comfortable (in a way) with that. Still very hungry even after two fills (5mls) but next one due in February. I'm hoping to start getting back to the gym to help with the loss. It definitely is a slow process but I'm just pleased it's going in the right direction. I'll PM you my email address. Well done on your 50lbs that is fantastic x
50lbs Kirsty that's just amazing!!! Well done darlin xxxxx
NSV? Not sure. I was going out for a wee afternoon with my bezzi. Not seen her daughter since surgery. Walked into the house and daughter said oh look at you.... Your legs are like wee chopsticks!!!!!!!

I don't have a full length mirror in the house. Only see myself full length in shop mirrors or photos

Got friend to take photo of me in my phone to check out the chopsticks lol

Really hope my remaining weight comes off my torso. The legs are a bit out of proportion :-( they are actually a bit shapeless and do look a bit
like chopsticks!!!!!!


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Really exposing my bad look here. But this is the reality. I am just an egg on legs. I look really bad from the side with fitted clothing. Just been oil walking so I have the leggings and hiking boot look

Having said that the chopsticks actually look a wee bit more Shapley and muscle strong lol


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