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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Weighed in this morning. 2.5lbs down in total since last Tuesday...11.st 10.5lbs

Yay...back Into weight loss land after my long December exile lol
Yay. No longer in December Exile. Hoping I join you on a losing streak this saturday. x
My sister in law arrives from Arizona today I am meeting her on Monday. This picture is of me at the airport in June last year saying goodbye to them all. None of them
Have seen me since. I was hoping to surprise them all when I got off the plane in March but wendy is paying a flying visit so will see me before I had wanted. What a blooming difference this photo was taken 2 months before my surgery


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Kursty you look wonderful and I so get the out of proportion thing even though mine is the reverse way around ...it does however even itself out slowly. I used to be 2-3 sizes out between top and bottom now it's just one ;)
Need to see a comparison pic up of you & your brother ASAP :p
Where are you on your C25 now Maggie
Hi Kursty, been off line for a few days ferrying my dad to varying hospital appointments. Managed a 'run' on Tuesday - that was number 4! - and hoping to another tomorrow. Amazingly I'm really enjoying it. And after the first few days not really feeling much soreness the next day. I can hardly believe it's me! :0) you see my secret plan is to learn to live running so i can eat what I like ;0). Maybe that's just a pipe dream. Hmmmm :0)
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Hi Kursty, been off line for a few days ferrying my dad to varying hospital appointments. Managed a 'run' on Tuesday - that was number 4! - and hoping to another tomorrow. Amazingly I'm really enjoying it. And after the first few days not really feeling much soreness the next day. I can hardly believe it's me! :0) you see my secret plan is to learn to live running so i can eat what I like ;0). Maybe that's just a pipe dream. Hmmmm :0)

Ha ha that is my whole reason for wanting to run....everyone says you can eat what you like :)
Just had a lovely meet up with Sharon. Who is looking fab BTW ?. We chatted for hours. It's great to talk with someone who understands what you have been through. Thanks Sharon xxx
Just had a lovely meet up with Sharon. Who is looking fab BTW ?. We chatted for hours. It's great to talk with someone who understands what you have been through. Thanks Sharon xxx

You guys are so lucky!

I'd love to have someone near me who understands all this..... Well done girlies. I think your both doing fabulous.

Just had a lovely meet up with Sharon. Who is looking fab BTW ?. We chatted for hours. It's great to talk with someone who understands what you have been through. Thanks Sharon xxx

Aww thanks !! Your looking amazing as well!!! It was a lovely night!! :) I think we probably could say for another couple hours but might needed supper lol!!!

Ha ha...I got out just in time. I was about to order the soaves 3 scoop ice cream desert - you kept me on the straight and narrow xxx
So glad you had a lovely time you guys .... it certainly helps having someone to talk to face to face eh :) its also good to have someone to keep you on the straight and narrow..... most would say 'aww go on just one wont hurt' lol wtg girls x x x x