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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Packing to go home and found another leave behind from last year. A wee swim skirt


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What a lovely find lol make sure you leave it behind you'll be able to get more of your new stuff in your case:)
You have lost a lot Kirsty when you look at photos of you now!! Well done!

Packing all ready....what a bummer!!! X
Back on home soil folks. Have a couple of hours to kill in Heathrow. Not too bad as I have access to the BA lounge with hot food, showers and a wee glass of wine ;-)
Welcome home Kirsty!..... Sounds like it was a lovely trip!.... Lots of super new stuff in your suitcase! :)
OMG!!!! Gained 7 and a 1/4 lbs!!!!!

Got Lindsay to resurrect the scales from wherever he had planked them

Know some of that is fluid but I'm now back over 12 stone!!!! Not seen that since 31 December :-(