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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Girls just had some really disappointing news tonight. Ben Nevis trip is likely cancelled next weekend. The weather is still too extreme. It's still icy at the top. An experienced climber who only made it half way up this week told Chris, my step daughters partner who would be our guide that you would need serious winter gear and crampons to reach the summit :-(

I am being guided by him as has recently come out of the royal marine commandos and knows the terrain well. Pamela is still keen to get as high as we can but I don't think there would be any sense of achievement in that. The hotel is booked the dogs are booked into dog care...we may still go away but I would rather climb another Munro and reach the trig point at the summit - and feel I had bagged another Munro.one I've not climbed before...

I'm pretty gutted. I was hoping to start training for a 10k in September after next weekend....

I really wanted to do that big boy in a small private group. Hey ho. There is a McMillan cancer hike up in June I may just register for that...safety in numbers I suppose

Hope everyone is good xxxxx
Kirsty did lyndsey know you were going to "do a big boy in a small group"...hes so understanding!! I can imagine your disappointment but if munro is willing to step in and let you all get on top of him then i guess the trip isnt a total waste!!!

On a serious note, sorry its off but it was fate...better than an injury or worse! Im sure you will still have a fantastic weekend!!! Xx

Sorry to here about your trip to Ben Nevis, we all know you was so looking forward to it. But its better to be safe then sorry, still go away and enjoy your weekend.

Where your caravan is it's beautiful around there, and we both loved the caravan park.
Your caravan parks, in a lot better postion then the Gatehouse of Fleet. If we was getting one thats were we would go, reason near Dumfries, Glasgow etc.
Gatehouse of Fleet you have to travel to get anywhere.

Have a lovely day xx
Girls just had some really disappointing news tonight. Ben Nevis trip is likely cancelled next weekend. The weather is still too extreme. It's still icy at the top. An experienced climber who only made it half way up this week told Chris, my step daughters partner who would be our guide that you would need serious winter gear and crampons to reach the summit :-(

I am being guided by him as has recently come out of the royal marine commandos and knows the terrain well. Pamela is still keen to get as high as we can but I don't think there would be any sense of achievement in that. The hotel is booked the dogs are booked into dog care...we may still go away but I would rather climb another Munro and reach the trig point at the summit - and feel I had bagged another Munro.one I've not climbed before...

I'm pretty gutted. I was hoping to start training for a 10k in September after next weekend....

I really wanted to do that big boy in a small private group. Hey ho. There is a McMillan cancer hike up in June I may just register for that...safety in numbers I suppose

Hope everyone is good xxxxx
Oh no Kirsty that's crap, get yourself booked on the June hike x
Oh bugger hunni.... i know you was looking forward to it :( ohhh could get to your friends wedding now? or a nice peaceful weekend away .... deffo get booked on the june one.... something to work towards x x x x
Willow this is our view from the van. Ours is the van with full decking just as you turn up at the sign for reception.


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girls. I did try today to book the June Ben Nevis charity climb....but......it's the 20th JUNE...our big Northern get together day lol. Not meant to be at the moment xx
Sorry your hike has been 'suspended' but sure you'll get there my lovely! Come down here to sunny DEVON....I'll find you a big ol tor to go galloping up! Xxx
I can be your mid way stop of!.... There are some nice big Hills knocking on my door just in Derbyshire! :) xx