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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

((((((Hugs))))))) hope you and Lindsay are okay hun
Left bundle branch blockage

Sorry not been about girls. Lindsay had been having a few dizzy balance episodes. Two with a week. I insisted he visit his GP who called ahead to the hospital to say she was referring him immediately

Lindsay has an irregular Herat best AF. But they also seen a left bundle branch blockage on his ECG. Both of these conditions can affect the blood flow which could be causing his episodes.

What scared me was one consultant didn't want him to go home and wanted him to start on warfarin immediately. With it being the holiday weekend the test they wanted would not have been carried out till Tuesday. Lindsay asked what was the point of him being in a bed over the weekend and asked could he not come back on Tuesday and start the warfarin then. The consultant told him he was at such a high risk of stroke that it was imperative he go on to warfarin immediately. He has many risk factors he has VF, he has type 2 diabetes he has high blood pressure and is about five stone overweight.

Then the cardiologist appeared and said she is not starting any course of action until she has the results of a CT scan and a brain scan - Lindsay has to be admitted as an out patient next week. They will be checking if his episodes have been mini strokes/clots

I'm sure some of you medical girls on here could have put that much better...lol

However. I have been a bit freaked out and relied on my old friends wine and crisps!!!!

But. Lindsay will need to look at reducing some of his stroke risk factors I.e if he gets all his weight off his diabetes might go and his blood pressure should go down. If he goes on to warfarin that can help wi his heart condition risks....we have had a good talk and he is off the poor high fat diet/sugar and the beer. He will restrict his alcohol to a Saturday only....unless of course he is told not to drink at all. I myself am giving it up completely for a few months anyway

So I am dresses and about to start day one of my couch to 5k, then will walk the girls.

Going back to basics food wise too

So feeling a wee bit hopeful this morning despite being back up at 11st 13 (need to work hard to get back to 11.7)

Thanks for all your kind wishes folks. Hope your all doing ok xx
Sorry to hear about Lindsay, yes you are right. With better diet he can reduce some of the symptoms, he has a good guide and help in you.
Wish you all the best, hope all will be fine soon.
Hi Kurstywursty the only thing I can say is at least they are aware of him now and he is aware of what needs to change. It's a worry that he has to wait but I'm sure they would have insisted he be admitted if there was a greater risk to his health.mi know I said before it was a worry that there was two different opinions but he is not under the radar. Try not to get in a pickle support each other at the difficult time and you will hopefully come out the other side smiling. :)
Oh Kirsty, thanks for the update!!! Glad you at least know what's wrong, although very stressful hopefully they can get stuck back ontrack asap!!

You will be able to support him through this as you have the knowledge to help him with healthy choices together which will help you keep ontrack!!!

I completely understand why you had the wine and crisps..it must been so scary but moving forward you will be strong for both of you!!!

Keep us updated x
Well thankfully this now youre other half health kick up the bum...he needs to learn a few tricks from you my dear. Who better to guide him and boy if he joins you it'll be so positive for your weight journey. You have mentioned before he continues his snacking etc in front of you..well now he too has to stop it. He really will pull back some of these poor lifestyle influenced ailments from my experience x go for it you two x
Hi Kirsty

Thank you for the update on Lindsay, hope it all goes well this week at the hospital.

Moving forward, and be strong for the both of you.

Take care and huge hugs xxxx
Oh sugar, what a stressful time.....I'm still away at the moment, but if there is anything you need explaining or anything at all you guys aren't sure about (no matter how daft you might think the question!) please please ask.....I might not know everything but being an ED nurse/ANP I've seen most things! (Don't ask about strangest things in strangest places....;-)

Hope things settle down as soon as possible.

What a horrid time Kursty. Hopefully this is the wake up call he needs and thankfully it has been found now and not after the event (((((hugs))))
Kirsty remember that lady!! we all have our life plans hunni :) and this is just another hurdle we sometimes have to cross to reach the 'better' side :) the good news is ..........he is in the best hands now to help him....of course it will be a huge wake up call for him too....there is only so much abuse our bodies can take...but the good news is with time and change magic can happen :) on a real positive note... all these lifestyle changes for him will be heaven sent for you sweetness..... no more cakes, takeout's or the sweetie tin !!

Of course its been a huge stressful time, and hitting our old comfort friends is to be forgiven.....Rome wasn't built in a day ........... one step forwards 2 back sometimes....... do what you have to do to get thru this time of upheaval and jump right back in when the times right....... don't go getting all down and hitting that vicious cycle.........just accept it ........draw a line LOL and move forwards..........

In the meantime I am sending all the love n light I can muster ..........stay strong, there is light at the end of that tunnel x x x x x x x xx x

Huge huge huge hugs sweetheart x x x x
I do 5 a day and more (new guidelines say 7 I think) but cos I have a Nutribullet. Buy frozen berries and mango from Aldi as they are so cheap, add some fresh with a handful of green stuff, Chuck in some seeds and whizz it all up for breakfast. 5 a day in one glass and fills you up with no fat and not a lot of calories, I love that machine....
Hi Kirsty, sorry to hear about Lindsay. Hope all goes well with tests etc.

5 a day? I heard that in Japan the expectation is 12 a day!?!

Did you do that first day of couch to 5k? I found it hard to begin with but am now happily running once or twice (occasionally three times) each week.

Take care
I do 5 a day and more (new guidelines say 7 I think) but cos I have a Nutribullet. Buy frozen berries and mango from Aldi as they are so cheap, add some fresh with a handful of green stuff, Chuck in some seeds and whizz it all up for breakfast. 5 a day in one glass and fills you up with no fat and not a lot of calories, I love that machine....

I have heard they are amazing. The thing that puts me off is the high carb content in the fruit but perhaps I need to have a think about this as I find it hard to get my quota in since banded no problem before then
Hi Kirsty, sorry to hear about Lindsay. Hope all goes well with tests etc. 5 a day? I heard that in Japan the expectation is 12 a day!?! Did you do that first day of couch to 5k? I found it hard to begin with but am now happily running once or twice (occasionally three times) each week. Take care

Maggie I started again on Monday and done day one. I was supposed to do day two today and just couldn't face it so done a 45 min walk up and down a local hill. Hoping to get into it at the van when I have s lot of spare time and get fx up sitting about. I think the trouble is I'm not really enjoying it lol. Well done you. How long do you run for?