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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I buy fruit , cut it all up and freeze it so I use small amounts, so carbs are quite low. Berries have low carb content I think. Main constituents nutribullet drink is actually kale or spinach would you believe....
Just checked on MFP, breakfast was raspberries, blueberries, mango, pineapple, kiwi and a scoop of Syntrax whey isolate (20g protein) came in at less than 200 cals and only had half my projected carbs all day
I love my Nutribullet use it every day and it's great for mixing things and add protein powder so you get every thing in all in one go :)
Hospital just off the phone. Approval been given for Lindsay's head and body scan. Seemingly it had to be signed off as its a tad expensive. They are waiting on a slot to get him back in. But he's doing ok. Off the beer. And I'm off the wine!!

Thanks for asking Karina

Howz the house hunting going?
Hospital just off the phone. Approval been given for Lindsay's head and body scan. Seemingly it had to be signed off as its a tad expensive. They are waiting on a slot to get him back in. But he's doing ok. Off the beer. And I'm off the wine!! Thanks for asking Karina Howz the house hunting going?

Aww Kirsty glad they are getting ontrack to finding out what's wrong!! :) fingers crossed all ok!!

Good luck with the scan!!
It's going great thanks, might be putting an offer in soon!
I'm certainly enjoying this nice weather x
Girls my band is feeling really weird over the past few days a lot of noisy gurgling and I feel really and I mean really hungry after only an hour or so of a meal. I can actually feel the gurgling sensation too

Any ideas?
I get terrible gurgling and rumbling as I've said before its so loud others can hear it but I have now started taking Burcopan tablets for a few days because if I don't I end up with that awful cramping pains I spoke about before, this is sorting out the noises. But that's all I can tell you about me and as you know I'm not banded. Don't know if that's any help :)
Hi Kirsty

Pleased they are sorting Lindsay out, and he's doing ok.

Maybe stress with your band, with everything wants going on at the moment.
Nothing worse then stress for eating.

Hope you are ok soon. take care xx
stress is deffo a big factor hunni... it will tighten your band and make those funny noises, even empty mine does it lol just really slow down your eating as not to hurt your tum, it may help with the hunger pangs too x x x x Hope Hubs getting sorted x x x x
Kirsty, hope you're ok and that hubby is getting stronger.

Make sure if your band doesn't feel any better, that you contact your people just to check everything. Xx
Hey Kirsty, my bands lonely tonight it hasn't stopped gurgling and bubbling andvgetalky having a 'conversation' to itself for the past hour! Is your up and bored too.....they could ring each other for a gurgle chat?!

It's going crazy down there!
