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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I've been catching up with you diary Kirsty!.... What a ruff time of it your having!... I'm hoping Lindsay is feeling better and your bunker is all fixed ( not to much damage I hope? ).... How is you tum doing? Xx
Hey girls back from the van we had snow today

No weight loss. Hanging around the just under 12 stone mark. Need to get back to 11.7

Now if you had asked me how I would feel about under 12 stone before surgery my answer would have been ecstatic!!! I have done better than the stats predict. 3 stone would be 50% of my excess weight. I had list almost 4 but back to 3.5

But the folks on here do so well. Your an inspiration. The girls I was comparing myself to are now in the low 11s and high tens :-(

You know who you are girls and I am so so so chuffed for you. And my surgery buddy Karina had. Blown us all away xxxx

Girls this is so hard for me :-(

But hey tomorrow is another day

Night night you super woman xxx
Oh Kirsty hun!..... Don't be so hard on your self, you should be ecstatic! It's an amazing loss!.... I think for us more " mature" girls it is harder and takes a bit longer :)..... Maybe take the pressure of and try maintaining for a couple of weeks..... That might kick start another loss down the line.... Chin up chuck! You have proved you can do it! :) xx
Hey girls back from the van we had snow today :-( No weight loss. Hanging around the just under 12 stone mark. Need to get back to 11.7 Now if you had asked me how I would feel about under 12 stone before surgery my answer would have been ecstatic!!! I have done better than the stats predict. 3 stone would be 50% of my excess weight. I had list almost 4 but back to 3.5 But the folks on here do so well. Your an inspiration. The girls I was comparing myself to are now in the low 11s and high tens :-( You know who you are girls and I am so so so chuffed for you. And my surgery buddy Karina had. Blown us all away xxxx Girls this is so hard for me :-( But hey tomorrow is another day Night night you super woman xxx

Kirsty you have had a lot to deal with! You have still come a long way and you will get back on track, don't beat yourself up!!

You will get there...just take it 1 day at a time!! :) xxx
Blimey gal.... your so hard on yourself....just take a step back and see just how far you've come :) as Jan says have a few weeks out....what the hurry in the big scheme ? i'm pretty sure we will still be 'dieting' on and of for the rest of our days.....so try and enjoy the journey hunni .....no hurry, no rush just as Sharon says day be day...... x x x
Oh sugar.....sorry your feeling so rubbish. You have come a huuggeee way, 50% loss is just amazing. You have had sooo much going on, take a breath and perhaps like others say, think about maintaining fir a few weeks then hit it again!

You have all been such support to me (know I moan more than most!) but I DO 'get it'.....we are all, always here for you.....mine is sooooo soooo slow, but it is down not up (apart from holibobs, but we are normal not invincible people who still need to have a life).

I'm looking at slow and steady (and then some), but it is steady when I look at it...I'm not at 50% yet, we will and can do this!

Much love. Zxxx xxx
Arhhhh but less you forget my friend I'm having a stalling moment too with you. It's not the end it's the end of phase 1 and beginning of phase 2. I like you have binge moments. Emotional highs and lows. I joined gym and tonight my first session as had commitments and need to have the checks etc for first session so tonight I'm doing just that and then bit of gym and yoga....I've had so much work and stuff going on in my social calendar as you know I've lost my way a bit.

I've not give up though I am merely delayed ? this week is official hard graft to finish the job I started lol x
Kirsty, all our weight loss journeys are so different. I think my losses are so slow compared to others - none of us are the same. Also, we've all had different ops by different surgeons!
You are hard on yourself, and that can be good and bad. GOOD - it means you won't let yourself settle on something you're not happy with, but BAD - because you're hard you self combust and have the binges.

Are you finding the nicer weather any easier? We tend to eat lighter foods in the summer.

You do have a lot of stress at the mo - I say be kinder to yourself, but go back to the basics and stick to the low carb! You know you CAN do it when that mind is in the right place. Xxx
Incidentally, does anyone know where they take the 'extra weight loss' calculations from?
Is it done from your starting weight until you reach 25BMI or is it different?
Bear...i think EWL is calculated based on a study of averages from data collected from post of patients. After 12 months patients were weighed to see how much weight they had lost and from that the EWL was calculated. Your stas show that according the the average patient you have lost 100 per cent of your EWL that would normally be seen in a patient after 12 months.
The other thing i read gave a calculation but it doesnt work so i dont think that can be right, it said starting weight minus current weight then divided by starting weight times target weight times 100. For me that figure would be zero so thats ********!!
Kirsty my love you have been such a rock for so many of us on this forum it's sad to hear you feeling so down on yourself. As others have said, looking at the big picture you are doing great but I think we all fear the stalls and gains especially when we know what we've done to cause them. I, like you, am allowing old habits to creep back in but I also think we are living in the the real world and we will overindulge on high days and holidays. Normal people 's weight fluctuates- they just deal with it if it goes to far in the wrong direction. We on the other hand seem to panic and eat more! You've had a lot going on recently by the sounds of things and that makes it all the harder. Cut yourself some slack but remember the rules even if you don't stick to them all the time. Cutting out the booze will help I suspect. I don't drink that much but had a glass of wine on my birthday last week and promptly rummaged through my mums cupboards looking for sweet goodies - and ate 2 bars of chocolate!
Kursty you are doing brilliantly... So stop being too hard on yourself. We all get there just not all at the same time. Everybody is different. Okay so you didn't lose this week but that doesn't mean it's not all going on behind the scenes ;). Stress is a major influence on our weight and oh boy have you had some stress lately. Hang in there Kursty stick to the plan and it will happen for you too :) xx
As always girls your support is so appreciated xx

Down to 11st 11 and three quarters this morning. So feeling a wee bit better not so far till getting back to 11.7

I had a funny ol day yesterday. I visited my 75 year old aunt who loves me dearly. She was actually pleading with me not to loss any more weight. She said I look better with the half stone back on that my face looked so drawn when she last saw me. Now that is so seductive especially when my husband also wants me to stay the way I am!!

Thankfully I had already been in discussion with an old WW friend and we had agreed to join a class last night

I had joined SW and done well for a few weeks. But .... Although I think it's probably the best eating plan out there. It does not really suit me anymore as it is build on the blocks
Of free food and eating as much of this as you want. Amazing diet for a binge eater. But. I just don't want to eat large amounts of food anymore. And unless you are eating free
Food, the list is extensive by the way, other foods are
Pretty restricted. Now me, I don't like fat free yoghurt. And 3% you hurt has to be taken out of your treat allowance for example

With WW I can have the yoghurt or the atkins bar and use my daily points :)

As you know I struggle a
But with the wine since surgery especially. When I have it. It lowers my resolve but I also think I start to binge because I am so black and white, I'm either being good or bad and I feel I have blown my plan for the day

I am off the wine mid week now. Lindsay is off the beer mid week

But..... I want to have a way of having a bottle of wine on a Saturday night and being able to cope with it emotionally. On WW in addition to a daily point allowance you get an extra 45 points a week to either use daily or save for treats - a bottle of wine is 20 points. If I can have the wine and feel that I have not blown my plan it may well stop me going into a mad binge

Also you get to earn extra points for exercise :)

I actually feel sooooo positive today. I have had a healthy breakfast of half a tin of tuna, a
Laughing cow light, beetroot and two grilled mushrooms

The couple of pounds off also helped

Another good news item. In the WW BMI chart I only have to get to 10.6 to be in the healthy weight range. I had thought it was 10.3 - I only have a stone and 5lb to go girls

Took this photo before I left as my before and after for this new phase of my weight loss journey. I honestly think I look awful but much slimmer that when I started :)

Have a good day out there guys


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As always girls your support is so appreciated xx Down to 11st 11 and three quarters this morning. So feeling a wee bit better not so far till getting back to 11.7 I had a funny ol day yesterday. I visited my 75 year old aunt who loves me dearly. She was actually pleading with me not to loss any more weight. She said I look better with the half stone back on that my face looked so drawn when she last saw me. Now that is so seductive especially when my husband also wants me to stay the way I am!! Thankfully I had already been in discussion with an old WW friend and we had agreed to join a class last night I had joined SW and done well for a few weeks. But .... Although I think it's probably the best eating plan out there. It does not really suit me anymore as it is build on the blocks Of free food and eating as much of this as you want. Amazing diet for a binge eater. But. I just don't want to eat large amounts of food anymore. And unless you are eating free Food, the list is extensive by the way, other foods are Pretty restricted. Now me, I don't like fat free yoghurt. And 3% you hurt has to be taken out of your treat allowance for example With WW I can have the yoghurt or the atkins bar and use my daily points :) As you know I struggle a But with the wine since surgery especially. When I have it. It lowers my resolve but I also think I start to binge because I am so black and white, I'm either being good or bad and I feel I have blown my plan for the day I am off the wine mid week now. Lindsay is off the beer mid week But..... I want to have a way of having a bottle of wine on a Saturday night and being able to cope with it emotionally. On WW in addition to a daily point allowance you get an extra 45 points a week to either use daily or save for treats - a bottle of wine is 20 points. If I can have the wine and feel that I have not blown my plan it may well stop me going into a mad binge Also you get to earn extra points for exercise :) I actually feel sooooo positive today. I have had a healthy breakfast of half a tin of tuna, a Laughing cow light, beetroot and two grilled mushrooms The couple of pounds off also helped Another good news item. In the WW BMI chart I only have to get to 10.6 to be in the healthy weight range. I had thought it was 10.3 - I only have a stone and 5lb to go girls Took this photo before I left as my before and after for this new phase of my weight loss journey. I honestly think I look awful but much slimmer that when I started :) Have a good day out there guys

Kirsty well done for getting things sorted!! I think your right withy the WW as the slimming world can work for us binge eaters but doesn't necessarily work with the band!!

Glad your feeling motivated, I think you know it's manageable on WW and you can still have your treats at the weekend without the guilt setting in!! :)

I know everyone feels different but I said to you when I last saw u that u looked great, did look very healthy!! You won't be far to get to that healthy BMI and then it will be about maintaining!!

That breakfast sounds lovely, I haven't had anything as yet, still addicted to my strawberries lol!!! Breakfast and treat at night!

That pic shows how skinny your wee legs are as well!! :)

Keep going Kirsty you can do it!!! Xxxx
Go for it Kirsty. I was always a SW person, having done it 2 or 3 times before, but I agree that it's designed for large eaters. The good thing with WW is that there are so many products out there that fit into the points system.

You will get there. X
Good to see a positive post hunni wtg on getting back in that frame of mind....with all the stress its a wonder !! wishing you all the best with WW maybe your right with the 'permission' of the point system allowing you your wine it wont mess with your head of a weekend and destroy all your good work thru the week.....this weight loss lark really is all about our heads lol

Enjoy some sunshine hunni x x x x